Green green Show me green Red red Show Slides: 40 Download presentation 听一听,做一做。 Green, green. Show me green. Red, red. Show me red. Blue, blue. Show me blue. Yellow, yellow 版权所有 盗版必究 Show me yellow. 上21世纪教育网 下精品教学资源 What colour do you see? a red light We can stop. a yellow light We can wait. a green light We can go. 版权所有 盗版必究 上21世纪教育网 下精品教学资源 Red light, red light, stop, stop. Yellow light, yellow light, wait, wait. Green light, go, go. 版权所有 盗版必究 上21世纪教育网 下精品教学资源 Let ’ s chant. Red, red, I see red. Green, green , I see green. Yellow, yellow , I see yellow. Blue, blue , I see blue. 版权所有 盗版必究 上21世纪教育网 下精品教学资源 Yellow lightBu green and yellowRed orange yellow green blue purple pinkRainbowoWhite over red pilot aheadApproach lighting systemsA red red rose literary devicesA red, red rose figures of speechWhy does a red ball look redMy love is like a red rose figure of speechComponents of genetic variationSimile in stereo heartsTt tt punnett squareCaterpillar confidential greenGreen pink yellow redRed orange yellow green blue indigo violetMixing red and green marbles physical or chemical changeCategorising materialsRed orange yellow green blue indigo purplePedigree chart for colour blindnessHarmonious arcRed yellow green status definitionsProlog green vs red cutRed-green and yellow-blueRed fields to green fieldsGreen flag with red dotDevil's advocate red green refactorA charge indicator operates by showing green or redLernpyramide von green & green (2005)"green imaging" -g -"green imaging technologies"Human cloneNanit show skillPictogram simpleKeno sushiStation model keyWith a little help from my friends tv showRamstein airshow disasterShow me your way lordAll verbs show action true or falseThe show will start soonShow that klpq is a parallelogram