Gr tanke til handling VIA University College How
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Gør tanke til handling VIA University College How does Assistant Lecturer’s R&D activities affect teaching? Henriette S. Duch Birthe Lund Verner Larsen 4. juni 2021 1
Why should (all) lecturers do reseach? Does R&D influence teaching? Does R &D improve teaching? 4. juni 2021 2
VIA University College in Denmark – Educates future engineers, designers, teachers, education specialists, nurses among others. – Offers more than 40 degree programs at 8 campuses across the region. – VIA's departments of further education has more than 20, 000 annual participants in programs on diploma, academy profession and master degree level. – Through research and development the programs are based “on the latest knowledge. “ 4. juni 2021 3
R&D University colleges are financed by the state. No students fee, but funding for R&D is important The production of R&D is reported to the state as a quality measurement Based on the Frascati-manual (OECD, 2015). “basic research” “applied research” “experimental research” Criteria for research is defined 4. juni 2021 4
Research at University Colleges: The Knowledge triangle/ Lisabon triangle R&D Teaching Profession no i sehoc l a i cos dna h two r. G , t nemyo l pm E 4. juni 2021 5
Research is mandatory : – When University Colleges in Denmark recruit new teachers, they are temporarily employed as so-called ‘Assistant Lecturers’. (from now on: AL) – During the first four years they must qualify to become ‘Associate Lecturers’ (Ministry of Higher Education and Science, 2015; 2016). – The process of qualification includes developing teaching competences and gaining experience in professional education, furthering education and participating in Research and Development work (R&D). 4. juni 2021 6
Research question How may assistant lecturers’ participation in R&D activities contribute to teaching practices in professional education? 4. juni 2021 7
Theory – preconceptions and premises Knowledge production Re-production – – – Education and teaching R&D Profession Two fields – each with their own logics How do knowledge move from one site to another? – a kind of transformation AL’ s judgements, considerations etc on what to bring into classroom (or curriculum) Keyword: Transformation - non-essentialist view on knowledge To questions follow: 1) What do ALs do with R & D knowledge in the crossing of contexts and 2) How does that knowledge change? 4. juni 2021 8
Questions for empirical research 1. How is AL-qualification organised within the various areas of VIA? 2. What types of R & D work are ALs engaged with, what are their roles; and under which conditions? 3. What does the AL’s individual experience generally mean to them in relation to the subjects they teach in, and to the profession which they teach students to enter into? 4. What kind of knowledge does ALs consider as most valuable for the profession in question, and thus for teaching 5. In what way do AL enact their R & D capacity in the teaching? 4. juni 2021 9
Project design and methodology A qualitative study - Period: January 2019 to 2020. Comprises: – Documentary analyses and desk research on exciting procedures and programmes – Theory review – interviews with 4 coordinators from various departments/programmes – In depth-Interviews with 12 assistant lecturers from various departments/programmes – Observations of selected pedagogical practices Analyses: “Ideal types” of AL 4. juni 2021 10
Theory- analytical tools Production R&D Recontextualisation Re-production – – – Education and teaching Recontextualisation (Bernstein): “a process by which knowledge is transferred from its production site to an educational context (Bernstein, 1996)”. High Complexity! AL should combine: – – Practical knowledge tacit elements Explicit theoretical knowledge AL’s interpretation according to the specific situation (What is appropriate here? ) (M. Eraut) 4. juni 2021 11
Recontextualisation- perspectives Knowledge Production R&D Recontextualisation Re-production Education and teaching Profession – A one-sided view of recontextualization? – Transformation in more directions (Maton 2014) (Guile) – Multi-facetted understanding of recontextualisation 4. juni 2021 12
Preliminary results 1. Organization of AL’s R & D work – Coordinators perspective 2. Assistant lecturer’s perspective 4. juni 2021 13
Preliminary Results: Organization of AL Qualification in VIA UC Legal documents VIA UC Lecturer-Q Committee (support) Staff (educational) manager (accountable) Coordinator (support) Supervision (support) Research centers and programmes Assistant lecturer (accountable) 4. juni 2021 14
Preliminary results. Key issues: The purpose of R & D – – R&D is new knowledge for the profession / profession R&D is development of educational didactics R&D is competence development of the teachers R&D is a useful academicization of the programs; the students learn research methodology. – R&D adds to the AL’s career paths 4. juni 2021 15
Preliminary results. Types of R & D work (according to target) – R&D in Center or program (complying with Frascati-rules) – R&D outside a center / program as “adjacent research development activities” – R&D that deals with educational development – R&D aimed at the development of the profession – R & D as combinations of professional and educational development. – • 4. juni 2021 16
Preliminary results: Links between R&D and teaching Coordinators claim: – • No common strategy or system for the "relapse", i. e what type of impact should be weighed more than anything else. – Where or who is the "connection" – “mottled" – “random seepage", “a black box" – A tendency that R & D centers wish to cultivate special areas, which in the education programmes have little attention. This inhibits relapse – Linking has several levels. If you participate in curriculum development, there are other (more) opportunities than if you only do teaching. To have an influence on curriculum depends a lot on each AL’s interest in committing oneself to it 4. juni 2021 17
Preliminary results Dilemmas – A schism: research and education have become two independent systems. – The centers have a lesser interest in including new ALs who are novices and must be trained in research work. The centers may wish to concentrate it’s forces on “high academic research", more than to train novices. – If a center takes new ALs, they might end up doing specialized tasks, more than serving their own competence development. – A contradiction: in the fact that many of the ALs who have the most difficulty in implementing R&D are also the ones who have the most difficulty in seeing the purpose and meaning of it, both for the education they teach in and for themselves. 4. juni 2021 18
Preliminary results - Assistant lecturer’s perspective Interviews – categorization - ideal types – Key categories: – – – Identity: teacher – researcher R&D: planed – incidentally R&D: subject – organization What is learned and how: methods, theory, communication Content: subjects/courses/didactics - praxis 4. juni 2021 19
Discussion about key issues – The concept of: Recontextualisation Significance of Professional knowledge – ………………. 4. juni 2021 20
The knowledge creating process: Knowing – knowledge – “not-knowing” – a learning perspective (Recontextualisation) R&D Collaborating by the teacher: (Re-production) Education and teaching Profession and professional Knowledge creation Knowlede production Culture Professional ethos The chosen pedagogy - The ”role of the student” Identity of the teacher Postions in research and at UC 4. juni 2021 21
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