got peace The Incomprehensible Peace of Christ John
got peace? The Incomprehensible Peace of Christ John 14: 27; 16: 32 -33
got peace? The Incomprehensible Peace of Christ • Life in the World – got any peace? – – – Affliction (2 Chr. 18: 26; Mk. 5: 34) Anger (Jer. 25: 37) Betrayal (1 Chron. 12: 17) Calamity (2 Kgs. 22: 20; Isa. 45: 7) Conflict (Josh. 10: 21) Death (Rom. 8: 6) Deceit (Prov. 12: 20; Jer. 9: 8) Destruction (Eze. 7: 25; 1 Th. 5: 3) Disorder (1 Cor. 14: 33) Enmity (Psa. 7: 4; Eph. 2: 15 -16) Fear (John 14: 27; Judg. 6: 23) Hostility (Eph. 2: 14) – – – Injustice (Mal. 2: 6) Loss (Job 5: 24) Mourning (Jer. 16: 5) Opposition (Psa. 55: 18) Seduction (Ezek. 13: 10) Stumbling (Psa. 119: 165) Terror (Jer. 30: 5) Tribulation (John 16: 33) Troubles (John 14: 27) Turmoil (2 Chron. 15: 5) War (Psa. 120: 7)
got peace? The Incomprehensible Peace of Christ • Life in the World – got any peace? – – – Affliction (2 Chr. 18: 26; Mk. 5: 34) – Injustice (Mal. 2: 6) – Loss (Job 5: 24) Anger (Jer. 25: 37) FALSE PEACE – Of 12: 17) the Devil – Mourning (Jer. 16: 5) Betrayal (1 Chron. § Defective: the 45: 7) world gives (John 14: 27) – Opposition (Psa. 55: 18) Calamity (2 Kgs. Peace 22: 20; as. Isa. § Deceptive: “Peace, peace!” when no peace (Jer. 6: 14) – Seduction (Ezek. 13: 10) Conflict (Josh. 10: 21) – then Stumbling (Psa. 119: 165) Death (Rom. 8: 6) “Peace and safety!” § Destructive: destruction (1 Thess. 5: 3) – Terror (Jer. 30: 5) Deceit (Prov. 12: 20; Jer. 9: 8) Tribulation (John 16: 33) Destruction (Eze. 7: 25; 1 Th. but 5: 3)shall–be § Delusive: “Seek peace, none” (Ezek. 7: 25) (John 14: 27) Disorder (1 Cor. 14: 33) § Depressive: “There is no peace –for. Troubles the wicked” Enmity (Psa. 7: 4; (Isa. Eph. 48: 22; 2: 15 -16) 57: 21) – Turmoil (2 Chron. 15: 5) – War (Psa. 120: 7) Fear (John 14: 27; Judg. 6: 23) Hostility (Eph. 2: 14)
got peace? The Incomprehensible Peace of Christ • Life in Christ – got His peace? – Designations – What is it called? • “My peace” (John 14: 27) • The peace of God (Phil. 4: 7) – Derivations – Where is it from? • • • The God of Peace (1 Thess. 5: 23; Heb. 13: 20) The Lord of Peace (2 Thess. 3: 16) The Author of Peace (1 Cor. 14: 33) The Prince of Peace (Isa. 9: 6) “The-LORD-Is-Peace” (Judg. 6: 24)
got peace? The Incomprehensible Peace of Christ • Life in Christ – got His peace? – Dimensions – How far does it reach? • • Surpassing-all-understanding peace (Phil. 4: 7) Perfect peace (Isa. 26: 3) Abundant peace (Jer. 33: 6; Psa. 72: 7) Filling peace (Rom. 15: 13) Extends-like-a-river peace (Isa. 66: 12; 48: 18) Continual peace (Rom. 5: 1) Always-in-every-way peace (2 Thess. 3: 16)
got peace? The Incomprehensible Peace of Christ • Life in Christ – got His peace? – Disseminations – What blessings does it help bring in my life? • • • Good Tidings & Safe Dwelling (Isa. 52: 7; Luke 2: 14; Psa. 4: 8) Rest & Quietness (1 Chron. 22: 9; Isa. 32: 17 -18) Stillness & Silence (Isa. 42: 14; Mark 4: 39) Calm & Security (Mark 4: 39; Isa. 32: 18) Healing & Strength (Jer. 14: 19; 33: 6; Dan. 10: 19) Unity & Reconciliation (1 Chron. 12: 17; Eph. 2: 14 -17; 4: 3) Gentleness & Humility (Titus 3: 2) Sanctification & Holiness (1 Thess. 5: 23; Heb. 12: 14) Justice & Mercy (Isa. 59: 8; Gal. 6: 16) Good Cheer & Well-Being (John 16: 33; 2 Cor. 13: 11) Edification & Upbuilding (Acts 9: 31; Rom. 14: 19) Not remove all adversity (John 16: 33; Heb. 12: 11)
got peace? The Incomprehensible Peace of Christ • Life in Christ – got His peace? – Demonstrations – What sort of things does it do for me? • • • Reveals that God reigns (Isa. 52: 7) Guards my heart and mind (Phil. 4: 7) Rules in my heart (Col. 3: 15) Preserves unity (Eph. 4: 3) Completes me to do His will (Heb. 13: 20 -21) Forgives my sins (Isa. 53: 5) Reconciles me to God (Eph. 2: 14 -17) Sows the fruit of righteousness (Jas. 3: 18) Prepares me to see the Lord (Heb. 12: 14)
got peace? The Incomprehensible Peace of Christ • Life in Christ – got His peace? – Determinations – How can I know if I have it? • • • There is “the way of peace, ” which can be known (Isa. 59: 8; Rom. 3: 17) His peace only bestowed upon His people (Psa. 29: 11) Those in the presence of the Lord (Rom. 15: 33; Phil. 4: 9) Those in the kingdom of God (Rom. 14: 17) Those in Christ (John 16: 33; Acts 10: 36; Rom. 5: 1; Eph. 2: 15) Those reconciled to God through His blood (Col. 1: 20; Eph. 2: 14 -17) Those who have obeyed the gospel of peace (Rom. 10: 13 -16) Those working what is pleasing to Him (Heb. 13: 20 -21) Those living diligently to be found by Him in peace (2 Pet. 3: 14)
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