Go Back Reading a Picture Activity 1 Look

Go Back Reading a Picture Activity 1 Look at this picture, then talk about these questions with a partner. What do you think is happening in the picture? What do you think the weather is like? How do you think the girl in front is feeling? Why? Enlarge Picture What are the children in the background doing? Why? Photo courtesy of Alex Lecca (@flickr. com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

Go Back Example Answers Activity 1 What do you think is happening in the picture? I think that the girls are in a running race at their school’s Sports Day. What do you think the weather is like? The weather looks bright and it must be warm because most of the children are wearing shorts and T-shirts. How do you think the girl in front is feeling? Why? The girl in front is feeling proud and happy because she is going to win the race. What are the children in the background doing? Why? The children in the background are all cheering the girls on so that they run faster.

Go Back Reading a Picture Activity 2 Look at this picture, then talk about these questions with a partner. What do you think is happening in the picture? Do you think the weather is warm or cool? Why? Enlarge Picture Do you think the girl likes what she is seeing? What makes you think that? Is the girl high up or low down? How do you know?

Go Back Example Answers Activity 2 What do you think is happening in the picture? I think that the girl is using her phone to take a photograph of a lovely view. Do you think the weather is warm or cool? Why? I think that the weather is cool because the lady is wearing jeans and a jacket. Do you think the girl likes what she is seeing? What makes you think that? I think the girl likes what she is seeing because she is taking a photograph of it to remember it by. If she did not like it, she wouldn’t take a picture of it. Is the girl high up or low down? How do you know? I think that the girl is high up because she is higher up than some of the trees and the trees on the ground below look tiny.

Go Back Draw a Picture Activity 3 Read these sentences and draw what is being described. ? The gingerbread man has just come out of the oven. He has two white button eyes and a small smile. He has a little red bow tie. He has a line of four buttons down his tummy: the first one is blue, the second one is pink, the third one is yellow and the last one is green.

Go Back Draw a Picture Did you draw something like this? Activity 3

Go Back Reading a Picture Activity 4 Look at this picture, then talk about these questions with a partner. What do you think is happening in the picture? Why are the people waving their hands? How do you think that the people are feeling? Enlarge Picture Do you think that the people are going to work? Why?

Go Back Example Answers Activity 4 What do you think is happening in the picture? I think that people are running for the bus. Why are the people waving their hands? I think that the people are waving their hands so that the bus driver sees them and stops the bus. How do you think that the people are feeling? I think the people are feeling worried and are panicking that they might miss the bus. Do you think that the people are going to work? Why? I do not think that the people are going to work because they are not wearing smart clothes. They are wearing jeans.

Go Back Reading a Picture Activity 5 Look at this picture, then talk about these questions with a partner. What is the girl doing? Why do you think the girl is doing that? How do you think that the girl is feeling? Enlarge Picture What might the girl do next?

Go Back Example Answers Activity 5 What is the girl doing? The girl is blowing out the candles on a cake. Why do you think the girl is doing that? I think that the girl is doing that because it is her birthday and she is making a wish. How do you think that the girl is feeling? I think the girl feels happy and excited because it is her birthday. What might the girl do next? I think that the girl might open her birthday presents or she might eat a piece of her birthday cake.

Go Back Draw a Picture Activity 6 Read these sentences and draw what is being described. ? I am thinking of a red bus. It has four windows upstairs and four windows downstairs. A mum and her little girl are sat at one of the windows downstairs. A boy and a girl with ginger hair are sat in two of the windows upstairs.

Go Back Draw a Picture Did you draw something like this? Activity 6

Go Back Reading a Picture Activity 7 Look at this picture, then talk about these questions with a partner. What is the girl doing? What season do you think it is? Why? How do you think that the girl is feeling? Why? Enlarge Picture What noises do you think the girl could be making? Why?

Go Back Example Answers Activity 7 What is the girl doing? I think that the girl is sledging down a snowy hill. What season do you think it is? Why? I think it must be winter because the ground is covered in snow and the girl is wearing a warm coat and gloves. How do you think that the girl is feeling? Why? The girl is smiling so I think that she is feeling happy and excited because she is enjoying sledging down the hill. What noises do you think the girl could be making? Why? I think that the girl might be screaming or laughing because her mouth is open and she is going down the hill quickly.

Go Back Reading a Picture Activity 8 Look at this picture, then talk about these questions with a partner. What do you think this man’s job is? Why do you think that? What might he be looking at? Why do you think he is wearing a hair net? Enlarge Picture Is he indoors or outdoors? How do you know?

Go Back Example Answers Activity 8 What do you think this man’s job is? Why do you think that? I think that the man is a scientist because he is dressed like a scientist and he is using a microscope like scientists do. What might he be looking at? I think the man might be looking at tiny insects or tiny pieces of material. Why do you think he is wearing a hair net? I think that he is wearing a hair net to stop his hair falling onto the slides he is looking at. Is he indoors or outdoors? How do you know? I think that he is indoors because I cannot see the sky or any trees and it looks like he is sat inside at a table.

Go Back Draw a Picture Activity 9 Read these sentences and draw what is being described. ? Last night, a family sat at a table that had a green cloth on. In the middle of the table was a cooked chicken. Around the edge of the table, a girl sat in the middle of her family. My dad sat next to her on one side and her brother sat next to her on the other side. Her mum sat next to her brother in a purple dress.

Go Back Draw a Picture Did you draw something like this? Activity 9

Go Back Reading a Picture Activity 10 Look at this picture, then talk about these questions with a partner. Where do you think these people are? Why is the older lady holding the younger lady’s arm? Where do you think that they are going? Enlarge Picture Do you think that they are related to each other? How?

Go Back Example Answers Activity 10 Where do you think these people are? I think that these people are at a hospital because it looks like a hospital corridor. Why is the older lady holding the younger lady’s arm? I think that the older lady is holding the younger lady's arm because she needs help to walk. I think this because I can also see a walking stick. Where do you think that they are going? I think that they might be going to visit someone in the hospital or they could be going to an appointment somewhere in the hospital. Do you think that they are related to each other? How? Yes I think that they are related. I think that they might be a mum and her daughter.

Go Back Reading a Picture Activity 11 Look at this picture, then talk about these questions with a partner. Where do you think these people are? What is happening in the picture? Why is the little boy wearing sunglasses? Enlarge Picture Why do you think the lady has pictures of superheroes on her uniform?

Go Back Example Answers Activity 11 Where do you think these people are? I think that these people are at the dentist. What is happening in the picture? The lady is the dentist and she is checking the little boy’s teeth. Why is the little boy wearing sunglasses? I think that he is wearing sunglasses to stop the bright light from hurting his eyes. Why do you think the lady has pictures of superheroes on her uniform? I think that she has those pictures on her uniform to help the children to feel relaxed and give them something fun to look at whilst she checks their teeth.

Go Back Draw a Picture Activity 12 Read these sentences and draw what is being described. ? My picture is of a grey rocket with a pointy nose cone. It has two red wings. There is one on each side. It has one big window which is circular. My rocket has one red stripe near the top and one red stripe near the bottom. At the very bottom of my rocket, fire comes out.

Go Back Draw a Picture Did you draw something like this? Activity 12

Go Back Reading a Picture Activity 13 Look at this picture, then talk about these questions with a partner. What is happening in this picture? Why is the man wearing an apron? How do you think the dog is feeling? Enlarge Picture What do you think the towels are for in the background?

Go Back Example Answers Activity 13 What is happening in this picture? The man is giving the dog a bath. Why is the man wearing an apron? The man is wearing an apron so that his clothes do not get wet. How do you think the dog is feeling? I think that the dog is feeling a little bit miserable. He does not look like he is enjoying his bath. What do you think the towels are for in the background? The towels are to dry the dog when the man has finished washing him.

Go Back Reading a Picture Activity 14 Look at this picture, then talk about these questions with a partner. What is happening in this picture? Why is the lady dressed like that? How are the couple feeling? Enlarge Picture Where do you think they are?

Go Back Example Answers Activity 14 What is happening in this picture? A man and a woman are having a picnic and clinking their glasses together. Why is the lady dressed like that? I think the lady is wearing a white dress and a veil because she has just got married. How are the couple feeling? I think that they feel happy because they are both smiling and look like they are enjoying themselves. It is also their wedding day and people are normally happy on their wedding day. Where do you think they are? I think they are having their picnic at the seaside because I can see the sea and a boat behind them.

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