gkfndf ula Lsf cj yf tyf ula L

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g]kfndf ul/a. Lsf] cj: yf tyf ul/a. L Go"g. Ls/0 fsf ljljw k. Ifx?

g]kfndf ul/a. Lsf] cj: yf tyf ul/a. L Go"g. Ls/0 fsf ljljw k. Ifx? /lj z+s/ ; }+h" g]kfndf ul/a. Lsf] cj: yf tyf ul/a. L Go"g. Ls/0 fsf ljljw k. Ifx? ! c; f/ @)&@

ul/j. L dfkg ; j]{If 0 f /lj z+s/ ; }+h" g]kfndf ul/a. Lsf]

ul/j. L dfkg ; j]{If 0 f /lj z+s/ ; }+h" g]kfndf ul/a. Lsf] cj: yf tyf ul/a. L Go"g. Ls/0 fsf ljljw k. Ifx? ! c; f/ @)&@

lh. NNffut ul/j. Lsf] k|lt; t /lj z+s/ ; }+h" g]kfndf ul/a. Lsf] cj:

lh. NNffut ul/j. Lsf] k|lt; t /lj z+s/ ; }+h" g]kfndf ul/a. Lsf] cj: yf tyf ul/a. L Go"g. Ls/0 fsf ljljw k. Ifx? ! c; f/ @)&@

g]kfndf cfly{s j[l 4 b/sf] cj: yf Plan Period ICOR Economic Growth at base

g]kfndf cfly{s j[l 4 b/sf] cj: yf Plan Period ICOR Economic Growth at base price (%) Third Plan (2022 -27) 2. 2 Fourth Plan (2027 -32) 1. 8 Fifth Plan( 2032 -37) 2. 3 Sixth Plan (2037 -42) 4. 4 Seventh Plan (2042 -47) 4. 57 2047 -48; 2048 -29 Poverty line (%) Gini Coefficient Remark 34 (NPC) 49 NPC 7. 03; 4. 66 Eighth Plan ( 2049 -54) 4. 3 4. 84 41. 76 (NLSS I) 0. 34 Ninth Plan (2054 -59) 4. 1 3. 70 38 Tenth Plan (2059 -64) 4. 3 3. 58 30. 85 (NLSS II) 0. 41 TYIP (2064 -67) 4. 8 4. 65 25. 16 (NLSS III) 0. 33 TYP ( 2067 -70) 5. 0 3. 96 23. 8 NPC CBS/NPC 12 /lj z+s/ ; }+h" g]kfndf ul/a. Lsf] cj: yf tyf ul/a. L Go"g. Ls/0 fsf ljljw k. Ifx? ! c; f/ @)&@

If]qut cfly{s j[l 4 cj: yf Sectors 7 th Plan 8 th Plan 9

If]qut cfly{s j[l 4 cj: yf Sectors 7 th Plan 8 th Plan 9 th Plan Agriculture, fishery and Forestry 4. 17 2. 95 Construction Retail and wholesale trading Hotel and restaurant Transport, storage and communication 3. 62 3. 58 5. 20 2. 77 0. 35 4. 24 4. 17 3. 18 5. 49 5. 19 6. 29 7. 32 4. 89 2. 87 4. 35 2. 88 3. 86 13. 94 6. 42 6. 02 8. 94 5. 18 8. 82 2. 96 -0. 17 4. 07 4. 35 2. 19 5. 38 5. 25 4. 67 6. 33 4. 37 5. 95 1. 13 0. 98 3. 83 5. 24 8. 11 7. 29 5. 32 7. 43 5. 89 13. 58 4. 69 4. 47 4. 41 5. 13 2. 29 5. 15 7. 94 9. 01 3. 99 7. 94 7. 62 4. 05 4. 04 7. 31 7. 45 3. 58 11. 34 4. 65 6. 32 3. 97 5. 24 5. 73 2. 98 General administration and defense Education Health and social work Other community, social and individual service Total value added at base price /lj z+s/ ; }+h" 12 th Plan 2. 88 Financial intermediation Real estate, rent and business activities 11 th Plan 3. 43 Non agriculture Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas and water 1 10 th Plan 6. 61 4. 57 6. 18 4. 84 8. 67 3. 70 g]kfndf ul/a. Lsf] cj: yf tyf ul/a. L Go"g. Ls/0 fsf ljljw k. Ifx? ! c; f/ @)&@

Dffgj ljsf; ; "rf+s cj: yf Year Life Expected Mean GNI per expectancy at

Dffgj ljsf; ; "rf+s cj: yf Year Life Expected Mean GNI per expectancy at years of capita (2005 birth schooling PPP$) HDI value Remark 1980 48. 2 4. 5 0. 6 0, 566 0. 234 5 th Plan 1985 51. 1 5. 5 1. 2 0, 633 0. 285 6 th Plan 1990 54 7. 4 2 0, 706 0. 341 7 th Plan 1995 57. 5 8 2. 2 0, 811 0. 37 8 th Plan 2000 61. 6 8. 8 2. 4 0, 902 0. 401 9 th plan 2005 65. 6 8. 9 2. 7 0, 960 0. 429 10 th Plan 2010 68. 5 8. 9 3. 2 1, 090 0. 458 11 th Plan 2012 69. 1 8. 9 3. 2 1, 137 0. 463 12 th Plan 2014 69. 1 0. 540 13 th Plan /lj z+s/ ; }+h" 12. 4 3. 2 2194 g]kfndf ul/a. Lsf] cj: yf tyf ul/a. L Go"g. Ls/0 fsf ljljw k. Ifx? ! c; f/ @)&@

Dffgj ljsf; ; "rf+s cj: yf Year 2014 2012 2011 2010 Nepal 2005 2000

Dffgj ljsf; ; "rf+s cj: yf Year 2014 2012 2011 2010 Nepal 2005 2000 1990 1980 Low HD Medium HD South Asia 2012 LDCs World Norway * 2006 data /lj z+s/ ; }+h" HDI 0. 540 0. 463 0. 460 0. 456 0. 429 0. 401 0. 314 0. 234 0. 466 0. 640 0. 558 0. 449 0. 694 0. 955 MPI 0. 197 0. 217 GII 0. 479 0. 485 0. 350* 0. 498 0. 627 0. 649 0. 578 0. 457 0. 568 0. 566 0. 463 0. 065 IHDI 0. 384 0. 304 0. 310 0. 485 0. 395 0. 303 0. 532 0. 894 g]kfndf ul/a. Lsf] cj: yf tyf ul/a. L Go"g. Ls/0 fsf ljljw k. Ifx? NI-HDI Remark 0. 526 0. 524 0. 523 0. 486 0. 445 0. 371 0. 224 0. 487 0. 661 0. 577 0. 475 0. 690 0. 977 12 th Plan 11 th Plan 10 th Plan 9 th Plan 7 th Plan 5 th Plan 15 ! c; f/ @)&@

!# cf}+ of]hgfsf] p 2]Zo tyf /0 fg. Llt p 2]Zo • b]zdf Jof.

!# cf}+ of]hgfsf] p 2]Zo tyf /0 fg. Llt p 2]Zo • b]zdf Jof. Kt cfly{s tyf dfgj. Lo ul/a. L 36 f. O{ cfdhgtfsf] h. Ljg: t/df k|To. If kl/jt{gsf] cg'e"lt lbnfpg]. /0 fg. Llt • ljsf; k|lqmofdf lgh. L, ; /sf/L / ; xsf/L If]qsf] of]ubfg clej[l 4 u/L ; dfj]z. L, km/flsnf] / lbuf] cfly{s j[[l 4 ug{]M • ef}lts k"jf{wf/sf] ljsf; ug]{M • ; fdflhs ; ]jfsf If]qx? df kx'Fr, pkof]u / u'0 f: t/ clej[l 4 ug]{M • ; fj{hlgs tyf c. Go If]qx? df ; 'zf; g clej[l 4 ug{]M • nl. Ift ju{, If]q / ; d"xsf] cfly{s / ; fdflhs ; zl. Qms/0 fdf clej[l 4 ug]{M • hnjfo' kl/jt{g; Fu cg's"lnt x'g]u/L ljsf; sfo{qmdx? ; ~rfng ug]{M /lj z+s/ ; }+h" g]kfndf ul/a. Lsf] cj: yf tyf ul/a. L Go"g. Ls/0 fsf ljljw k. Ifx? ! c; f/ @)&@

धनयव द! /lj z+s/ ; }+h" g]kfndf ul/a. Lsf] cj: yf tyf ul/a. L

धनयव द! /lj z+s/ ; }+h" g]kfndf ul/a. Lsf] cj: yf tyf ul/a. L Go"g. Ls/0 fsf ljljw k. Ifx? ! c; f/ @)&@