Gemeente Den Haag Financial Instruments in The Hague

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Gemeente Den Haag Financial Instruments in The Hague 1

Gemeente Den Haag Financial Instruments in The Hague 1

 • Close relation with our ERDF programming. • Building on existing investment strategy

• Close relation with our ERDF programming. • Building on existing investment strategy • Same decision making structure as with ERDF plus extra group for cofinancing Gemeente Den Haag Investment Plan / Local Action Plan

Gemeente Den Haag Structure Europese Commissie Den Haag Managementautoriteit Kansen voor West EFRO Cofinanciering

Gemeente Den Haag Structure Europese Commissie Den Haag Managementautoriteit Kansen voor West EFRO Cofinanciering (Gemeente Den Haag) Investeringscomité Holding Fonds Den Haag EU aanbesteding l Potentiële investeerders Commanditaire vennoot Return on investment Stichting managing partner ED/FRED CV FRED UDF FRED Fondsmanager Adviesraad Andere fondsen Startersfonds / Security Leningen en terugbetalingen Mix van projecten Return on investment

Gemeente Den Haag © ERAC, 2013 1. 2. 3. Beschikking/uitvoeringsovereenkomst (= “funding agreement”) Opdrachtbrief

Gemeente Den Haag © ERAC, 2013 1. 2. 3. Beschikking/uitvoeringsovereenkomst (= “funding agreement”) Opdrachtbrief (= “operational agreement”) Managementovereenkomst 4. 5. 6. CV overeenkomst Financieringsovereenkomst JESSICA bijdrage Overeenkomst bijdrage Eigen Vermogen / Vreemd vermogen derden 4

In Investment Committee / Steering group • • Jessica Holding fund manager Chamber of

In Investment Committee / Steering group • • Jessica Holding fund manager Chamber of commerce Representatives from SME’s Representative from higher education Directors of different city departments Managing authority Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations Chair: Vice-mayor city of The Hague Gemeente Den Haag Involved persons Holding Fund

In Cofinancing Group • • Jessica fund manager Managing authority Project developers Local stock

In Cofinancing Group • • Jessica fund manager Managing authority Project developers Local stock market Representatives from banks Urban development department Financial department Chair: Holding fund manager Gemeente Den Haag Involved persons Holding Fund

 • Continuously updated investment strategy linked to the ERDF and other EU programms

• Continuously updated investment strategy linked to the ERDF and other EU programms • Acces to / Plan for public and private cofinances on project and / or Jessica fund level Gemeente Den Haag Expected result

 • • Jessica fund for tourism Jessica fund for energy efficiency in housing

• • Jessica fund for tourism Jessica fund for energy efficiency in housing Proof of concept / Launching customer funds New ERDF money in the two existing Jessica funds Gemeente Den Haag We consider

Investment Committee • • Independent Chair Director Urban Development Department Head of City Finance

Investment Committee • • Independent Chair Director Urban Development Department Head of City Finance Department Open for new investors…. . Project advise Committee • Policy advisor Urban Development and Finance Department Gemeente Den Haag Involved persons both Jessica Funds

 • Within the city. (They find us) • Via the cofinancing group •

• Within the city. (They find us) • Via the cofinancing group • Via accountmanagers from urban development department • Our “own” city (energy) projects are not successful yet Gemeente Den Haag Pipeline Development

Project selection • Project must fit in and contribute to ERDF program. • Project

Project selection • Project must fit in and contribute to ERDF program. • Project must fit in the urban investment strategy. • Final say independent fund manager • Financial decision based on the business case • Mix of long and short term loans, equity and guarantees Gemeente Den Haag Selection criteria

Ton Overmeire Programmabureau Europese Fondsen Den Haag T 070 353 41 81 E Ton.

Ton Overmeire Programmabureau Europese Fondsen Den Haag T 070 353 41 81 E Ton. Overmeire@denhaag. nl Gemeente Den Haag Contactgegevens