FRIENDSHIP INFATUATION LOVE Friendship Love Go Everywhere Whether

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Friendship & Love Go Everywhere, Whether It Is Invited Or Uninvited, But It Stays

Friendship & Love Go Everywhere, Whether It Is Invited Or Uninvited, But It Stays Only Where It Is Well Treated And Respected

Oxford’s definition of ‘Friendship’ Noun – The feeling or relationship that friends have, the

Oxford’s definition of ‘Friendship’ Noun – The feeling or relationship that friends have, the state of being friends.

‘Friendship’ is NOT about whom you have known the longest. It’s about who came

‘Friendship’ is NOT about whom you have known the longest. It’s about who came and NEVER left your side.



FRIENDSHIP ü Easiest üUniversal need üVarious types – gender, age, background, religion üNot exclusive

FRIENDSHIP ü Easiest üUniversal need üVarious types – gender, age, background, religion üNot exclusive or possessive üCommunicate, share, trust & are honest üFit in with groups without sacrificing our individuality

True 1 Friends are happy for each other 2 Friends communicate, share, trust and

True 1 Friends are happy for each other 2 Friends communicate, share, trust and are honest with each other 3 Friends have a lot of patience 4 Friendship crosses cultural and religious barriers 5 Friends do not judge 6 Friends are supportive 7 Friendship is synonymous with happiness and selfesteem 8 God is our best friend False

CASE STUDY Anil is the football captain of his school. One day when he

CASE STUDY Anil is the football captain of his school. One day when he was playing, Seeta walked by on her way to school. He noticed her and immediately fell head over heels for her. He said to his friends, "See that girl over there? I am going to marry her. " Of course all of his friends thought he was kidding and crazy. He was serious. The next day during football practice, he saw her once more walking by. He immediately went up to talk to her. Soon they started dating. Anil & Seeta had eyes only for each other. He was possessive of her and got angry if she spoke to other boys. He explained to her that she was his property and he was the only boy she should talk to. If they had a disagreement, he would refuse to eat and threatened to commit suicide. In fear Seeta would give in to Anil’s demands. Finally after some years they got married. Their marriage did not last for long. But Seeta stuck to Anil as she feared he would do some harm to himself or to her.

QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. Did Anil really love Seeta? Did Seeta really love

QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. Did Anil really love Seeta? Did Seeta really love Anil? What type of relationship would you call it? What were the various factors that lead to the failure of their marriage?

Oxford’s definition of ‘Infatuation’ Noun – STRONG but NOT usually lasting FEELINGS OF LOVE

Oxford’s definition of ‘Infatuation’ Noun – STRONG but NOT usually lasting FEELINGS OF LOVE or ATTRACTION



INFATUATION ü Romantic relationship üPhysical Attraction üExciting, fun, effortless, all-absorbing üExclusiveness and jealousy üEmotions

INFATUATION ü Romantic relationship üPhysical Attraction üExciting, fun, effortless, all-absorbing üExclusiveness and jealousy üEmotions keep changing



Similarity - Both are intense emotions that one feels for another. Difference – in

Similarity - Both are intense emotions that one feels for another. Difference – in their actuality of love, intensity and final outcome.



Oxford’s definition of ‘Love’ Noun – An Intense feeling of Deep Affection

Oxford’s definition of ‘Love’ Noun – An Intense feeling of Deep Affection

LOVE üLife long commitment üSelf-sacrificing üOther centred üResponsibility üFaithful & Understanding üTakes Time &

LOVE üLife long commitment üSelf-sacrificing üOther centred üResponsibility üFaithful & Understanding üTakes Time & Effort üUnconditional

Love Infatuation Develops gradually Occurs almost instantly Lasts a long time. Short-lived Accepts the

Love Infatuation Develops gradually Occurs almost instantly Lasts a long time. Short-lived Accepts the whole person, imperfection & all. Let’s you be yourself. Idealized image of the person. Can only see the good side. Shows only the good side. More than Physical Attraction Focus mainly on physical attraction Energizes you Is draining Improves your overall personality & values Brings out Jealousy and neglects other relationships Survives arguments & differences Tries to hides differences Other centered Self centered In times of separation, grows stronger In times of separation, grows weaker

3 KINDS OF HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS v FRIENDSHIP – like a mirror & shadow v.

3 KINDS OF HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS v FRIENDSHIP – like a mirror & shadow v. INFATUATION - lust and attraction. Confused for love. v. TRUE LOVE - self sacrificing & responsible