FRAM SA number 1. 1 FRAM STRAIT, ARCTIC: PHYSICAL OCEAN PROPERTIES Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Wilken-Jon von Appen General Assembly 2017 Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain; 27 – 29 June 2017

WP 10 – Service Activities Array across Fram Strait 1997— 2012 West Spitsbergen Current array At 78° 50’N until 2016 At 79°N since 2016 Yellow+green active SA 1. 1 - FRAM

WP 10 – Service Activities Interfaced with biological measurements Process study along 0°EW to improve spatial understanding of long-term measurements —Recirculation SA 1. 1 - FRAM

WP 10 – Service Activities WSC moorings include ADCPs measuring the top 250/400 m since 2012/2016 2 clusters of 3 moorings each: Traditional (up to 50 m) Surface (up to 15 m) Winch (150 m to surface) SA 1. 1 - FRAM

WP 10 – Service Activities Atlantic Water inflow to Arctic Ocean Temperature increased 1997 — 2007, then stayed at elevated levels SA 1. 1 - FRAM

WP 10 – Service Activities Deep waters in 2500 m Greenland Sea Deep Water (solid) 0. 11°C/decade Eurasian Basin Deep Water (dashed) 0. 05°C/decade Same temperature expected in 2020 SA 1. 1 - FRAM

WP 10 – Service Activities SA 1. 1 - FRAM Web-Links PANGAEA Datasets with doi: http: //www. pangaea. de/search? q=physical+o ceanography+current+meter&env=Water&ma xlat=80&minlon=-15&maxlon=15&minlat=78 same datasets in Ocean. SITES net. CDF Format: ftp: //ftp. ifremer. fr/ifremer/oceansites/DATA/ FRAM/

FRAM SA number 1. 2 TIME SERIES ON MEGAFAUNA DENSITY AND DIVERSITY Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Melanie Bergmann, Ingo Schewe, Felix Janssen General Assembly 2017 Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain; 27 – 29 June 2017

WP 10 – Service Activities SA 1. 2 - FRAM: Description The seafloor of selected stations of the HAUSGARTEN observatory is surveyed regularly by a towed Ocean Floor Observation System (OFOS). The vertically facing camera system is used to assess large-scale distribution patterns of larger epibenthic organisms and other objects (e. g. dropstones, garbage) at the deep seafloor.

WP 10 – Service Activities SA 1. 2 - FRAM: Description OFOS images are stored in the PANGAEA repository and analysed on the web interface BIIGLE by experts worldwide. The global access enables quality control of analysed images and enhances scientific exchange between experts for different taxonomic groups. A newly developed GIS based web-viewer developed for this service activity gives also interested amateurs the opportunity to get closer insight to locations of images taken and associated results of organism abundances from the image analysis.

WP 10 – Service Activities SA 1. 2 - FRAM: Visualisation

WP 10 – Service Activities SA 1. 1 - FRAM Web-Links OFOS-Viewer product: http: //apps 3. awi. de/OFOS/ original PANGAEA datasets: http: //www. pangaea. de/search? q=ofos+AND +(project: fram+OR+project: hausgarten)
- Slides: 12