Food Protection Task Forces Overview and Future Direction

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Food Protection Task Forces Overview and Future Direction IA Food Protection Task Force May

Food Protection Task Forces Overview and Future Direction IA Food Protection Task Force May 25, 2016 Travis Goodman 1

Where we are now • FDA Food Protection Task Force Grants – 16 states-

Where we are now • FDA Food Protection Task Force Grants – 16 states- GA, IL, IN, MI, MN, MO, NC, NE, NM, NV, TN, WA, WV, VA, VT • Developing websites – 20 states- AL, CO, GA, IA, MI, MN, MO, NC, NM, NV, OK, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV • Public website • Secure website • Mobile app 2

Current Focus • Hold conferences/meetings to collaborate with food protection partners (industry, academia, food

Current Focus • Hold conferences/meetings to collaborate with food protection partners (industry, academia, food regulators) to improve public health outcomes – Updates from members – Training/education/exercises – Projects • Improving Information Sharing – Websites and mobile applications 3

Improving Information Sharing • Using available technology to build a Task Force community •

Improving Information Sharing • Using available technology to build a Task Force community • Improve information sharing- within state, state to state, and state to FDA – Websites and mobile apps – Utilize FDA OP homepage to see other state info – Utilize mobile app to do push notifications to: • Task Force members, licensed firms, emergency info. 4



Food Protection Task Force Workshop Recommendations 1. Hire a Food Protection Task Force Technical

Food Protection Task Force Workshop Recommendations 1. Hire a Food Protection Task Force Technical Expert – Act as a liaison to all FPTFs – Assist with lining up FDA speakers, trainings etc. – Begin routine calls with FPTF chairs – Assist in connecting similar projects – Continue website development – Develop FPTF best practices 9

Food Protection Task Force Workshop Recommendations 2. Hold a National Food Protection Task Force

Food Protection Task Force Workshop Recommendations 2. Hold a National Food Protection Task Force Meeting – Provide an information sharing opportunity – Development of best practices – Consider regional FPTF meetings – Continue virtual conferences/web-meetings 3. Expand allowable expenses – Allow travel between states to work on projects – Consider a mentorship model for FPTFs – Allow funds to support working on projects 10

Fall 2016 FPTF Virtual Conference • Virtual Conference will focus on: – Best practices

Fall 2016 FPTF Virtual Conference • Virtual Conference will focus on: – Best practices for lining up speakers and venues – Managing members and keeping them engaged – Rollout of Food. SHIELD Event Manager to assist with FPTF meetings 11

Program Improvement • We have an opportunity to improve the Program – New funding

Program Improvement • We have an opportunity to improve the Program – New funding mechanism- R 18 – New future funding model – New Task Force liaison in OP – New technology to leverage – Time to work with partners to improve program • We need your input today and moving forward 12

Moving Forward • Currently proposing to include the Task Forces in the Future Funding

Moving Forward • Currently proposing to include the Task Forces in the Future Funding Model – Combines: • Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards • Rapid Response Teams • Food Protection Task Force – Would begin in Aug 2018 13

Contacts • Graham Giesen, Graham. Giesen@fda. hhs. gov – 214 -790 -4986 • Travis

Contacts • Graham Giesen, Graham. Giesen@fda. hhs. gov – 214 -790 -4986 • Travis Goodman, Travis. Goodman@fda. hhs. gov – 240 -479 -8614 14