Fiction Literary Fiction Commercial Fiction and their merits

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Fiction Literary Fiction, Commercial Fiction, and their merits and values.

What is Fiction? �Dictionary. com: the class of literature comprising works of imaginative narration, especially in prose form. �Stories told that are not considered to be true. �Has existed almost as long as the human race itself via oral storytelling passed down from generation to generation.

Not all Fiction is Created Equal. �There are two “types” of fiction; literary and commercial. �Literary: A story that conveys a message to be understood (ex. Nineteen Eighty-Four, Brave New World). �Commercial: Story told for “storytelling’s sake. ” Created for entertainment (ex. Harry Potter series, Percy Jackson series).

Literary Fiction �Utilizes fiction to convey a deeper message. �Demands understanding of the message as well as appreciation of the plot. �Example Message: “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley emphasizes the danger of sacrificing too much humanity in the name of order and stability.

Commercial Fiction �Fictitious stories for purely entertainment purposes. �No underlying message, but may convey importance of values and virtues. �Exist simply because of humankind’s potent love for stories.

Why should you read Fiction? �Where nonfiction deals with factual information, fiction focuses on exploiting the imaginative and creative nature found in all human beings. �Literary fiction allows for elaborate analogies and allegories to send important messages and words of warning for future generations. �Commercial fiction allows for the enrichment of human cultures and therefore can be compared to art. �“Art is a lie, which leads us to the truth. ” -Pablo Picasso