FFA Jeopardy FFA Jeopardy Our Great History The

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FFA Jeopardy!!

FFA Jeopardy!! Our Great History The Basics Some Important leaders Career Development Trivia CDE’s Continued 100 100 100 200 200 200 300 300 300 400 400 400 500 500 500

100 The Future Farmers of America was established in Kansas City, Mo in this year: 1917

200 The year women were allowed into the FFA: What is 1969

300 The NFA What is the New Farmers of America

400 The FFA Alumni Association was founded in what year What is 1971

500 This Law established Vocational Education Courses in Schools What is the Smith Hughes Act

100 The FFA Colors are What is National Blue and Corn Gold

200 The official FFA Magazine What is the FFA New Horizon

300 What is the FFA salute What is the Pledge of Allegiance

400 The highest degree earned by an FFA member What is the American Degree

500 The three components of the Agricultural Education Curriculum What are Classroom instruction, Supervised Agricultural Experiences, and FFA

100 Writer of the FFA Creed Who is E. M. Tiffany

200 The First National FFA President Who was Leslie Applegate

300 The Father of the FFA Who was Henry Groseclose

400 First sitting president to attend a National FFA Convention Who was Dwight Eisenhower

500 The Nation FFA Headquarters was built on this person’s property on Alexandria, Virginia Who was George Washington

100 The FFA Motto What is “Learning to do, doing to learn, earning to live, and living to serve”

200 The plow stands for What is “labor and tillage of the soil”

300 “More power in bargaining, in the life _____, and enough honest wealth…. ” What is “Abundant”

400 The number of CDE’s available to students What is 24

500 Who was the 2009 -2010 FFA State President Who is Tucker Cool

100 Number of members on a Parliamentary Procedure team What is six

200 Is an amendment amendable What is yes

300 Definition of an (Progressive) Agriculturist The science, art, and business associated with cultivating soil, producing crops, and/or raising livestock to better increase the standard of living

400 Number of members allowed on an Ag Issues team What is 3 to 7

500 What does FFA stand for What is Nothing technically; originally the Future Farmers of America, but is now simply the National FFA Organization

Final Round Who are this year’s WA state officers and their offices? Answer

500 Who are this year’s WA state officers and their offices? Paige - President Wyatt-Vice Karli-Secretary Brianna-Treasurer Olivia-Reporter Danyelle-Sentinel

Final Round The 4 types of motions used in Parliamentary Procedure What are Privileged, Subsidiary, Incidental, and motions that bring a question again before an assembly
Thinking affects our language which then affects our
Our census our future
Longing for peace our world is troubled
Our life is what our thoughts make it
We bow our hearts
Our census our future
Our life is what our thoughts make it
We quail money makes us quail
Awareness of ourselves and our environment is:
Our awareness of ourselves and our environment
God our father christ our brother
Our future is in our hands quotes
Our awareness of ourselves and our environment.
Our awareness of ourselves and our environment.
Our great saviour
2 nephi 9:21
Our teacher enjoyed a great trip to london
How great is our god prayer
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