Festejemos Eventos Importantes en la Vida Hazlo Ahora
- Slides: 9
Festejemos Eventos Importantes en la Vida
Hazlo Ahora Knowledge you Should Bring to Class: ¿Cómo se dice…en español? a. Wedding b. Baptism c. My first haircut Pre-Assessment of Today’s Lesson: How do you ask a friend (in Spanish) if s/he celebrates his/her birthday?
Student Learning Outcome(s): At the end of this lesson, students should be able to: Identify important events/milestones in a person’s life l Compare and Contrast which milestones & events different people celebrate l
Hoy en Clase: l l l Hazlo Ahora & Learning Outcome(s) TPR Review of Vocabulary White Board Comprehension Check Compare and Contrast - Venn Diagram Information-Gap Exchange (Guided Conversation) Self and Peer Evaluation/Assessment *Students who complete the classroom activities before class is complete may use Quizlet (Technology Vocabulary Review Activities)
Vamos a Repasar el Vocabulario
Festejemos los Eventos Importantes Los Eventos Importantes de Miguel celebra muchos eventos importantes. Miguel celebra: Importantes de Marisol también celebra muchos eventos importantes. Marisol celebra:
Festejemos los Eventos Importantes Miguel y Marisol
Evaluación de la Aprendizaje YO I’m ready for the FIESTA! I am confident with the material learned in class. I can identify, spell, and ask and answer ? s using all of the learned vocabulary. COMPAÑEROS DE LA CLASE My classmates are ready for the FIESTA! We are confident with the material learned in class. We can identify, spell, and ask and answer ? s using all of the learned vocabulary. I’m almost ready for the FIESTA! With a little studying, I will be able to identify, spell, and ask and answer ? s using all of the learned vocabulary. My classmates are almost ready for the FIESTA. With a little studying, we will be able to identify, spell, and ask and answer ? s using all of the learned vocabulary. I need to say home from the FIESTA to STUDY and GET HELP! I cannot identify, spell, nor ask and answer ? s using all of the learned vocabulary. My classmates are not ready for the FIESTA to STUDY and GET HELP! My classmates cannot identify, spell, nor ask and answer ? s using all of the learned vocabulary.
LA TAREA (HOMEWORK) Estudia para el examencito de “los eventos importantes en la vida” Study for quiz on Important Events in a person’s life *Study Material on Sra. Porter’s Website: Power Point Presentations, Quizlet