FEEDBACK ON THE SELFSTUDY MATERIALS Sirle Kivihall, TLU (Iceland Digis seminar, 3. -4. 06. 10)
EVALUATION OF STUDY MATERIAL � English B 2 course of blended learning [practical contact lessons + blog based selfstudy]; � Students completed a questionnaire; � The questionnaire was distributed to 24 students; � 20 questionnaires were returned (the return rate 83, 3%); � 65% of the sample formed by female (n=13), 35% by male (n=7) students.
THE QUESTIONNAIRE � The first sub-section [A] concentrated on the AIMS OF THE STUDY MATERIAL : � were the aims of the study material clear? ; � did the aims of the study material meet your needs? ; � did the aims of the study material support the aims of the study course?
THE QUESTIONNAIRE � The second sub-section [B] focused on the CONTENT OF THE STUDY MATERIAL: � did the study material have enough content? ; � was the study material diverse and attractive, including relevant texts, pictures, graphs, animations? ; � were the topics of the study material up-todate?
THE QUESTIONNAIRE � The third sub-section [C] concentrated on the TASKS OF THE STUDY MATERIAL: were the tasks of the study material challenging enough? ; � did the tasks of the study material meet your language needs? ; � did the tasks of the study material develop your language skills? �
THE QUESTIONNAIRE � The fourth sub-section [D] focused on the LANGUAGE SKILLS DEVELOPED BY THE STUDY MATERIAL : � did the study material provide a balanced development of language skills?
THE QUESTIONNAIRE � The fifth sub-section [E] concentrated on STUDENT AS THE USER OF THE STUDY MATERIAL : � did you like using the study material? ; � can the study material be used for self-study?
THE QUESTIONNAIRE � The sixth sub-section [F] focused on the GENERAL OPINION ABOUT THE STUDY MATERIAL : � was your impression of the study material positive? ; � was it easy to find your way in the study material? ; � was the study material appropriately structured? ; � did the web links in the study material function properly?
THE QUESTIONNAIRE � The evaluation scale: YES (+2), RATHER YES (+1), RATHER NO (-1), NO (-2). � Positive approach was expressed by a plus and negative approach by a minus.
ANALYSIS OF SIX SUB-SECTIONS № Evaluated aspect Evaluation scale +2 +1 -1 -2 1. [A] Aims of the study material 96, 7% 3, 3% 0% 0% 2. [B] Content of the study material 78, 3% 21, 7% 0% 0% 3. [C] Tasks of the study material 83, 3% 16, 7% 0% 0% 4. [D] Language skills developed by the study material [E] Student as the user of the study material 60% 40% 0% 0% 52, 5% 40% 7, 5% 0% 83, 75 % 13, 75 % 2, 5% 0% 5. 6. [F] General opinion about the study material
GENERAL EVALUATION OF SIX SUB-SECTIONS Highly positive (76%) Positive (22%) Negative (2%)
SUB-SECTION [G] � The seventh sub-section [G] asked for STUDENTS’ IDEAS ON HOW TO IMPROVE THE STUDY MATERIAL? � 7 students provided their comments in an open-ended question.
HOW TO IMPROVE THE STUDY MATERIAL? 14 Don't know 12 10 8 Grammar topics separately 6 More listening tasks 4 More diverse materials 2 0 How to improve? No response
SUB-SECTION [F] � The sub-section [H] focused on ASPECTS OF THE STUDY MATERIAL THAT APPEALED THE MOST TO THE STUDENTS � 12 students out of 20 expressed their opinions in an open-ended question.
MOST APPEALING ASPECTS OF THE STUDY MATERIAL 5 4 Interesting topics 3 2 Diverse materials 1 Self-check key 0 What did you like?
MOST APPEALING ASPECTS OF THE STUDY MATERIAL � Humour included; � Easy to find one’s way in the material; � Educative materials; � Tasks expanding vocabulary; � Enough tasks; � Psychologically comfortable (you don’t feel stupid); � Good to know the material exists, if you need extra exam practice.
CONCLUSION � The self-study material compiled for the B 2 English course was positively evaluated by the students and meets their needs. � Hence, Digis Nordplus project has served its purpose. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!
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