Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Friday

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Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Friday 19 th June 2020

Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Friday 19 th June 2020

Today is a special day. It is a day when we spend time thinking

Today is a special day. It is a day when we spend time thinking about the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Why do you think the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a special day for us at our school? Start today’s prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by clicking on the link below. You know this hymn, sing it loud so God can hear you. https: //www. bing. com/videos/search? q=god+loves+me+john+burland&docid=60802 4647140442125&mid=1708530 C 8 EA 40 C 2 FBB 6 C&view=detai l&FORM=VIRE

Special prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was begun by Sister Margaret Mary

Special prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was begun by Sister Margaret Mary Alacoque. She lived a long, long time ago and was born in France in a place called Burgundy.

Margaret Mary was a very kind and very humble person. When she was 24

Margaret Mary was a very kind and very humble person. When she was 24 she became a nun. As she grew up, Jesus appeared to her many times. One time, when he appeared to her, Jesus showed her His Sacred Heart. Jesus told Margaret Mary he wanted to remind people about how much He loved them. He wanted His love to spread all around the world.

On this special feast day, we are asked to think about something we often

On this special feast day, we are asked to think about something we often forget about - God’s great love for us. Let us think about the Sacred Heart of Jesus: Jesus who loves us so much. The heart is a symbol of love; it is what is deep inside us.

A prophet called Hosea also lived a long time ago. He told us all

A prophet called Hosea also lived a long time ago. He told us all about how we are a child of God and how much He loves us. Listen to what God says to us: “When my children were little, I taught them how to walk, I took them in my arms and loved them. My children are my pride and joy. I delight in them, with all the tender kindness of a loving father. ” The Word of the Lord How does it make you feel to know how much God loves you?

In a Gospel story, a man called St John, told us how we should

In a Gospel story, a man called St John, told us how we should love one another. If we show each other love, God’s love will be shared around everyone. Just like He wants it too. How can we show God’s love to those around us?

Now take time to quietly say these prayers. Looking at the world around us,

Now take time to quietly say these prayers. Looking at the world around us, We see the flowers, trees and animals, The mountains and the seas. God made all of this because he loves us. Help us, Lord, to take care of our world Sacred heart of Jesus … We place our trust in you We thank God for our friends and pray that we will all be good friends to each other. We pray that lonely people in the world Will also experience the happiness of friendship. Sacred heart of Jesus … We place our trust in you God sent his only Son so that he could share His life with us on earth. This was to help us know the true way To live our lives. We pray that we will follow His example By sharing our skills and love with all those we meet. Sacred heart of Jesus… We place our trust in you.

Let us finish our prayer by singing this hymn. Again, you know it well;

Let us finish our prayer by singing this hymn. Again, you know it well; sing it loud. https: //www. bing. com/videos/search? q=god%27 s+love+i s+john+burland&docid=607993229489473354&mid=16 D C 294820 A 9 C 9 D 9 F 7 FA 16 DC 294820 A 9 C 9 D 9 F 7 FA&view=d etail&FORM=VIRE