Expository Essay Writing to Inform What is Expository
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Expository Essay Writing to Inform
What is Expository Writing? In expository essay, you inform the readers about a meaningful and interesting subject. You are not arguing for or against the subject or making a judgement about its value or worth. Your main purpose is to convey a certain amount of information clearly and completely. Exposition, which means “explanation, ” does much of the everyday work of communication.
The Importance of Structure An expository essay is tightly structured. It contains an introduction, twothree body paragraphs and a conclusion.
Introduction: Hook + Thesis Your introduction should grab the reader’s interest and identify thesis you intend to develop. To get the reader’s interest you can use one of the following methods: ask a question about the topic provide an interesting story about the topic (anecdote) present a significant fact or statistic Quote an expert on the subject
The Thesis Statement Example: A summer job can provide teens with essential work experience and a sense of financial independence. Main topic: A summer job can provide teens with. . . Sub-topic A: essential work experience (first body paragraph) Sub-topic B: a sense of financial independence (second body paragraph) 1. Your thesis statement should be specific--it should cover only what you will discuss in your essay and should be supported with specific evidence. 2. The thesis statement usually appears at the end of the introductory paragraph.
The Body Paragraphs The body paragraphs present the main reasons/points supporting your thesis. They are the heart of your essay. Each paragraph must begin with a topic sentence. The topic sentence combines the main topic with the sub-topic. Follow the topic sentence with enough supporting ideas to develop your thesis fully. Use specific details, precise language, and transitions as necessary. End the paragraph with a concluding sentence that links back to the topic sentence. BODY PARAGRAPHS: Basic Structure
Conclusion Your concluding paragraph should tie the main points of the essay together and draw a final conclusion. Strategies: Restate thesis in new words briefly summarize the key points presented in the body of the essay write a memorable clincher sentence