Exegetical Fallacies Exegetical Fallacies Logical Fallacies Exegetical Fallacies

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Exegetical Fallacies

Exegetical Fallacies Logical Fallacies

Exegetical Fallacies Logical Fallacies 24 Mindblowing Ways to Twist Scripture

Exegetical Fallacies Logical Fallacies 24 Mindblowing Ways to Twist Scripture Don’t Get it Twisted: Exegetical Fallacies & a Proper Hermeneutic

ex·e·ge·sis critical explanation or interpretation of a text, esp. of scripture. "the task of biblical exegesis" synonyms: interpretation, explanation, exposition, explication More"the exegesis of ancient texts" Origin early 17 th cent. : from Greek exēgēsis, from exēgeisthai ‘interpret, ’ from ex- ‘out of’ + hēgeisthai ‘to guide, lead. ’ (results from googling “exegesis”)

exegesis *This image is okay, but oversimplifies the author-message-reader dynamic.


fal·la·cy a mistaken belief, esp. one based on unsound argument. "the notion that the camera never lies is a fallacy" synonyms: misconception, misbelief, delusion, mistaken impression, error, misapprehension, misinterpretation, misconstruction, mistake; (results from googling “fallacy”)

fallacy a flaw in logic or reasoning that may or may not lead to an incorrect belief.

Critical thinking Evidence-based thinking Tearing Down Building Up

Asch Experiment

Critical Thinking Bingo Check the boxes by writing an example in the box. So, for the Asch Experiment box you could write: “elevator experiment” “sheeple” “conformity” “zebras” or whatever makes sense to you When you say “BINGO, ” you’ll get to share your mnemonic before collecting your dinosaur.

Review Free Space: Exegesis/Eisegesis Pareidolia Asch Experiment

False Authority

Correlation ≠ Causation


Inattention Blindness

Illegitimate Totality Transfer

Semantic Anachronism Either within a language or between languages.

Word Root Fallacy

Cherry Picking

False Analogy

False Memory

Personal Incredulity “I can’t believe…” “It just doesn’t make sense to me…” “Everyone knows that…” “Obviously…”

Personal Incredulity

Argument from Silence Confusing absence of evidence with evidence of absence.

Mirror Reading

Ad hominem

Hasty Generalization

post hoc ergo propter hoc

reductio ad absurdum “slippery slope”

Poisoning the Well “guilt by association”

tu quoque

Straw Man

Emotional Appeals

Either/Or aka “False Dichotomy

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