Everyone has Shame Everyone has pain Everyone has

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Everyone has Shame

Everyone has pain

Everyone has fear

Everyone has hurt

Everyone has sadness

Everyone has despair

Everyone has questions

Everyone has unfufillment

Everyone has SIN

SIN: Eternal separation from God

SIN: Rebellion


Because of our rebellion…

Because of our rebellion… The enemy has legal right to Harm Our lives.

Because of our rebellion… The enemy has legal right to Harass Our lives.

Because of our rebellion… The enemy has legal right to Torture Our lives.

Because of our rebellion… The enemy has legal right to Torment Our lives.

Because of our rebellion… The enemy has legal right to Torment Our lives. And it is impossible for us to get out on our own.

And it is impossible for us to get out on our own. …but there is someone who can.

Because He loved you so much, God

Because He loved you so much, The creator of heaven and earth

Because He loved you so much, The beginning and the end

Because He loved you so much, The king of all kings

Because He loved you so much, The Lord of all lords

Because He loved you so much, The Holy of holies

Because He loved you so much, God

Became Man

Not only did He become a Man,

Not only did He become a Man, Perfect and holy in every way…

Not only did He become a Man, Perfect and holy in every way… He died.

Not only did He become a Man, Perfect and holy in every way… Jesus died.

He died a death so Terrible

He died a death so Horrific

He died a death so Gruesome

He died a death so Gruesome That He did not even look like a man afterward.

He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our sin, The punishment that brought us life was upon Him. By His wounds we are healed. -Isaiah 53: 5

He paid the price of our punishment

He paid the price of our ransom

He paid the price of our Atonement

He paid the price of our redemption

He paid the price of our freedom

We despised Him,

We hated Him,

We turned from Him,

He didn’t stay dead, though,

He didn’t stay dead, though, After three days of lying in a tomb,

He didn’t stay dead, though, After three days of lying in a tomb, He rose.

So that we may live

So that we may Have a relationship with Him

So that we may forget shame

So that we may be redeemed

So that we may be freed

So that we may be saved

So that we may have peace

So that we may have life

So that we may have joy

So that we may have eternal life

God so loved the world, That He died, So that you might live.

God so loved the world, That He gave His only begotten son, So whoever believes in Him, Shall not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3: 16

God so loved you, That He gave His only begotten son, So you may believe in Him, and not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3: 16
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