Evaluation Question 3 What kind of institution might

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Evaluation Question 3 What kind of institution might distribute your media product and why?

Evaluation Question 3 What kind of institution might distribute your media product and why?

Will your magazine be sold nationally or locally? My initial idea was to sell

Will your magazine be sold nationally or locally? My initial idea was to sell the magazine nationally, I still agree with this idea, as a magazine aimed at students it would be a good idea to be sold up and down the country in universities as a way of connecting one university to another through a shared interest in music.

Would your magazine be the product of a multicultural conglomerate such as Bauer or

Would your magazine be the product of a multicultural conglomerate such as Bauer or IPC, or would it be distributed by an independent publisher, such as future publishing? My magazine would be distributed by a smaller independent company as it is only being sold nationally. Large conglomerate companies are for distributing products much further. I want my magazine to maintain a sense of community and connection but could possibly grow and become part of a conglomerate company. The advantages of this is that you have more control over the distribution of your magazine whereas with a large conglomerate decisions are made with the success of the entire company in mind. However, a disadvantages is that it is likely to have a much smaller reputation and audience whereas with a conglomerate you are more likely to try something new if it is by a company you already know and trust.

How much will it cost? Where would audience be able to buy/access your product?

How much will it cost? Where would audience be able to buy/access your product? I want to keep the original price from my pith and my magazine will be available to buy form local magazine but mainly stores located near the universities. This is because my magazine is aimed at students that don’t have much disposable income so the cheapest option is the best option, I also want it to be easily accessed, if the universities subscribe and allow their students to read it for free then the students will be more likely to read it and purchase it themselves if they want to read more.