Eva Hesse Portrait Eva Hesse Untitled 1970 latex

- Slides: 86

Eva Hesse, Portrait.

Eva Hesse, Untitled, 1970, latex over rope, string, wire.

Eva Hesse, Studio on the Bowery, 1969.

Eva Hesse, Hang up, 1966.

Eva Hesse, Accession II, 1967 (fiberglass and plastic tubing).

Eva Hesse, Accession II, 1967 (fiberglass and plastic tubing).

Eva Hesse, Sans II, 1968.

Eva Hesse, Expanded Expansion, cheesecloth, 1969.

Eva Hesse, Contingent, , 1969, fiberglass and latex over cheesecloth.

Eva Hesse, Repetition Nineteen III, 1968 , Fiberglass and resin.

Mel Bochner, Portrait of Eva Hesse, 1966.

Bruce Nauman, Self-Portrait as a Fountain, 1966, photograph of performance.

Marcel Duchamp, Fountain, 1917.

Vito Acconci, Trademarks, 1970.

Vito Acconci, Trademarks, detail, 1970.

Vito Acconci, Trademarks, detail, 1970.

Vito Acconci, Seedbed, 1972.

Vito Acconci, Seedbed, 1972.

Richard Serra, Splashing, 1968.

Vito Acconci, Following Piece, October, 1969, New York.

Vito Acconci, Conversions, 1970.

Vito Acconci, Blindfold Catching, 1970.

Chris Burden, Shoot, 1971.

Chris Burden, Shoot, detail, 1971.

Chris Burden, Trans-Fixed, 1974.

Chris Burden, Five-Day Locker Piece, 1971.

Rudolph Schwartzkogler, Aktionen, 1965 -67.

Hermann Nitsch-Viennese Actionists group.

Bruce Nauman, The True Artist Helps the World by Revealing Mystic Truths, 1967, neon tube lights.

Bruce Nauman, 100 Live and Die, 1966 -1967, neon tube lettering.

Bruce Nauman, Live / Taped Video Corridor, 1970, wallboard, video camera and monitors, video tape, 12‘ X 32‘ X 1‘ 8“.

Robert Morris, Untitled (Pink Felt), 1970.

Robert Morris, Untitled, 1968.

Robert Morris, Untitled (Threadwaste), 1968.

Robert Morris, Untitled, 1967.

Richard Serra, Belts, 1966 -1967, industrial rubber belts and neon tube lights on a wall, 6‘ X 18’ X 20“.

Richard Serra throwing lead, Castelli Warehouse, New York 1969.

Richard Serra, Casting, 1969, lead.

Richard Serra, Prop, 1968, sheets of lead, 84" high.

Richard Serra, One Ton Prop (House of Cards), 1969, lead.

Richard Serra, 2 -2 -1: To Dickie and Tina, 1969 -94, lead.

Richard Serra, Tilted Arc, 1981, Cor-Ten steel, 10‘ X 120‘ X 3", Federal Plaza, New York City (demolished in 1989).

Richard Serra, Tilted Arc, 1981 (removed in 1989), hot-rolled steel, Federal Plaza, New York.

Richard Serra, Sculptures, Steel, Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain.

Richard Serra, Between the Torus and Sphere , 2003 -2005, Guggenheim Bilbao Museum.

Richard Serra, Open Ended, 2007 -2008, Gagosian Gallery in London.

Richard Serra, Two torqued toruses of weatherproof steel, 2007 -2008, Gagosian Gallery in London.

Walter de Maria, Lightning Field, 1971 -77, near Quemado, NM, 400 stainless steel poles placed into soil, each is approx. 20‘ 7" high, Dia Art Foundation, New Mexico.

Walter de Maria, Lightning Field, 1971 -72, Nevada, New Mexico.

Walter de Maria, Lightning Field, 1971 -72, Nevada, New Mexico.

Michael Heizer, Double Negative, 1969 -70 -Mormon, Nevada.

Michael Heizer, Double Negative, 1969 -70 -Mormon, Nevada.

Michael Heizer.

Michael Heizer, City, ongoing project, Nevada Desert.

Michael Heizer, City, ongoing project, Nevada Desert.

Robert Smithson, A Non-Site, Franklyn, NJ, 1968.

Robert Smithson, Non-Site, 1968.

Robert Smithson, Spiral Jetty, 1970, black rock, salt crystal, and earth, spiral 1500' long, Great Salt Lake, Utah.

Robert Smithson, Spiral Jetty, 1970.

Robert Smithson, Spiral Jetty, 1970.

Robert Smithson, Spiral Jetty, 1970.

Christo & Jeanne-Claude, Running Fence, 1972 -76, plastic fabric 24. 5 miles long, Sonoma and Marin Counties, CA.

Christo and Jeanne Claude, Running Fence, Sonoma and Marin Counties, California, 1972 -76.

Christo and Jeanne Claude, Running Fence, Sonoma and Marin Counties, California, 1972 -76.

Christo and Jeanne Claude, Valley Curtain, Rifle, Colorado, 1970 -72.

Christo and Jeanne Claude, Valley Curtain, Rifle, Colorado, 1970 -72.

Christo and Jeanne Claude, Surrounded Islands, 1980 -83, Biscayne Bay, Greater Miami, Florida.

Christo and Jeanne Claude, Umbrellas, Japan-USA, 1984 -91.

Christo and Jeanne Claude, Umbrellas, Japan-USA, 1984 -91.

Christo and Jeanne Claude, Umbrellas, Japan-USA. 91.

Christo and Jeanne Claude, The Pont Neuf Wrapped, Paris, 1975 -85.

Christo and Jeanne Claude, Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin, 1971 -95.

Christo and Jeanne Claude, Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin, 1971 -95.

Christo and Jeanne Claude, The Gates, Central Park, NYC, 1979 -2005.

Christo and Jeanne Claude, The Gates, Central Park, NYC, 1979 - 2005.

Christo and Jeanne Claude, The Gates, Central Park, NYC, 1979 -2005.

Gordon Matta Clark, Splitting, 1974, Englewood, NJ.

Gordon Matta Clark, Splitting, 1974, Englewood, NJ.

Gordon Matta Clark, Splitting, 1974, Englewood, NJ.

Joseph Kosuth (1945 -, American), One and Three Chairs, 1965, wooden folding chair, photograph of chair, and photo enlargement of dictionary definition of chair, Mo. MA, NY.

Joseph Kosuth, One and Three Hammers, 1965. Hammer, Photograph of a hammer, Photostat of the definition of hammer, 24 X 53 3/8”.

John Baldessari, What Is Painting, 1966 -1968, acrylic on canvas, 67 ¾” X 56 ¾”.

Hans Haacke, Mo. MA Poll, 1970.

Lawrence Weiner, Primary secondary tertiary, 2002, Language, materials referred to. Project of the installation at 52 nd International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia.

Lawrence Weiner, Primary secondary tertiary, 2002.

Lawrence Weiner, Primary secondary tertiary, 2002.
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