Europe Population Geography Political Geography Cultural Geography Population

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Europe Population Geography Political Geography Cultural Geography

Population of Europe is one of the most densely populated areas of the world. n Europe is highly urbanized. n Europe has many large cities that serve as centers of culture and trade. n

Culture Europe has many different ethnic groups, languages, and customs. n Most people in Europe are Christians but there are different types of Christians. n European culture has spread to other parts of the world. n

Conflicts in Europe n A. B. Because Europe has many ethnic groups and types of religion there have been several conflicts. There was an ethnic and religious conflict in the Balkans from 1992 - 1995 There is an ongoing conflict in Northern Ireland.

Northern Ireland n Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. The population is split between Catholics and Protestants. The Catholics fought for political power and the Protestants fought to retain power and remain part of the United Kingdom.

Culture n A. B. C. European culture has spread to other parts of the world due to: Exploration Colonization Imperialism

Exploration n Europeans started to explore the world in the mid 15 th century. The first European countries to explore were Portugal and Spain. These countries were looking for a route to Asia in order to buy spices.

Colonization n European countries colonized other parts of the world. Colonization is when a group of people from one country settle in another country.

Colonization Country Area Colonized Portugal Brazil, Timor, Mozambique Spain Mexico, Central and South America France Canada, Caribbean United Kingdom Canada, United States, Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand Netherlands South Africa, Caribbean

Spanish Empire

Portuguese Empire

Francophone World

Imperialism n Imperialism is when a country takes over another country. European countries took over countries and regions all over the world. They did this to control resources and also to compete with other European countries.

Imperialism n Imperialism was made possible by the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution was a period of time from the late 18 th to mid 19 th centuries when machines replaced human labor in Europe.

Industrial Revolution n The most important machine invented in Europe at this time was the steam engine. With the steam engine Europeans could make trains, steamships, better mining equipment, and eventually better weapons. This allowed them to take over other parts of the world.

Democracy n A. B. Europe is the birthplace of democracy. Greece and the early Roman republic both had democracies. Athens had a direct democracy Rome had an indirect democracy
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