Essay title Cmo se representa el tema de
- Slides: 16
Essay title: ¿Cómo se representa el tema de la paternidad a través de Ofelia en El Laberinto del fauno? Due in on word document via email: Thursday 30 th April mrecio@ttsonline. net The next slides serve to help you include some key points in your essay…you are expected to develop these points in your own words and always refer back to why you think the director is doing what he does and to what effect.
Discursive Essay Introducción One general sentence Link One sentence announcing your plan Hay varios elementos de la película ‘……………. ’ realizado por Guillermo Del Toro que…. . aún / así or similar Hay que evaluar…. /prestar atención a…. . Se puede realmente afirmar que…………………………………………. Primera Parte Sentence introducing your points Conclusive sentence Introduction of explanation Ideas linked with connectives Dado que…. Habiéndose visto que……………. . Cuando consideramos………………. . /si tenemos en cuenta…. 1234 Se puede llegar fácilmente a la conclusión de que… En efecto……. . Además/adicionalmente/lo que es más/hay que mencionar además…. /finalmente Transition Sin embargo / pero / por otro lado/no obstante Segunda Parte Sentence introducing your points Dado que…. Habiéndose visto que……………. . Cuando consideramos………………. . /si tenemos en cuenta…. 1234 - Conclusive sentence Se puede llegar fácilmente a la conclusión de que… Introduction of explanation En efecto……. . Ideas linked with connectives Además/adicionalmente/es más/hay que mencionar además…. /finalmente Conclusion + + Alternative /solution/future En conclusión. . Tal vez…. . /De que sirve…. . desde…. .
Traduce lo siguiente…. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. This is shown through = This is reflected by = We can relate this with = we are lead to believe that = It makes the viewer feel = another key thing to remember = 7. What is striking is that = 8. Not only. . but also = 9. the audience end up feeling empathy with = 10. This idea is linked to = 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. esto se muestra a través de esto se refleja por Podemos relacionar esto con Estamos llevados a creer que Provoca que el espectador sienta 6. otra cosa clave para recordar 7. lo que llama la atención es que 8. no solo. . sino también 9. La audiencia termina sintiendo empatía con 10. esta idea está vinculada a
Intro • The lack of a father figure or desire to have one throughout the film is prevalent • Despite having a real father who died prior to the start of the film, Del Toro emphasises Ofelia’s crisis/inner conflict throughout the film as to who her ‘father’ is; her mother wants her to call the Captain her father and the faun tells her that the king of the underworld is her father. • It is through the characters of the Faun and Capitan Vidal in particular, who drive this inner paternity figure conflict throughout the film.
El Fauno ¿Qué palabras usarías para describir el Fauno?
• el personaje más complejo – mitad humano/mitad animal • El fauno es un sirviente del padre y la madre de Ofelia, a quien se le encargó vigilar a la princesa Moanna. • Es el responsable de que Ofelia se adentre en un mundo mágico de monstruos y pruebas • es un poco siniestro • Tiene un carácter fuerte • Tiene una apariencia tenebrosa • puede ser más que un poco complicado • y a veces nos pone nerviosos
• • • puede ser hostil y enojado puede ser cariñoso, tranquilo y reflexivo el tiene un gran corazón el es sabio él actúa ambiguamente hacia Ofelia él es respetuoso y llama a Ofelia 'Alteza' como si fuera una princesa quiere ayudar a Ofelia a llegar al reino – es servicial puede ser estricto cuando Ofelia lo desobedece físicamente es una bestia monstruosa mientras que la sombra del padre de Vidal se retrata en la película, y para Ofelia, cuyo padre murió en la guerra, y que ha rechazado a Vidal como su padrastro, es el fauno quien representa una figura de paternidad.
El fauno • The Faun – one of the most central elements of mythological symbolism. • In classical Greek mythology, the faun is associated by the god Pan – the god of pastures and the wild. El fauno posee muchos rasgos del fauno representado en la mitología griega: está estrechamente relacionado con la naturaleza, vive en los bosques, guía a las personas necesitadas, pero también es impredecible en el comportamiento y es capaz de desviar a las personas. • In the film, the faun is shown as a ‘guiding figure’ to Ofelia in her journey and gives her 3 tasks to complete the rite of passage. • Del Toro admitted in his director’s commentary that the ambiguous nature of the faun towards his behaviour with Ofelia is emphasised in the film; this depiction of the faun intentionally leaves the audience unsure of his intentions. • According to Guillermo del Toro, the Faun is "a creature that is neither good or evil. . like nature. . a character there to be witness and shephard her (Ofelia) in her rite of passage, but he has no agenda. He doesn't care if she dies or lives. ” • Or do you think he loves/cares for Ofelia/Moanna?
• The portrayal of the faun in Pan’s Lab is that of a father figure more than a secondary character whose aim is to get the heroine from point a to point b in her journey (as is the case in classical fairy tales). • Ofelia's feelings towards the Faun are complicated. She wants to trust him and often views him as a source of comfort, like the father figure that the ruthless Captain will never be. • Interestingly, when Ofelia meets the Faun for the first time, she seems far less perturbed than when she meets Vidal for the first time. Vidal is more monstrous to her than the faun. • Ofelia abraza al fauno en ciertos puntos – she hugs him • le regañan cuando lo decepciona y lo desafía – he shouts at her when she disappoints or challenges him • él es simbólico de su crecimiento y de tomar su propio camino en la vida. • However, after completing the first task, she grows uncomfortable with the faun as he strokes her face and tells her that they will soon be reunited and walk through the seven gardens of her palace. She asks him, "How do I know you speak the truth? " As much as she wants to believe him, she questions his motives. This and the Faun's indifference towards Carmen's health leads to her disobeying him as she carries out the next two tasks. What is Del Toro trying to address here with their relationship?
• The portrayal of a father figure (who is absent in Ofelia’s life since her real father died during the Civil War) is shown when the faun is angry at Ofelia for disobeying his orders • This accentuates a sense of caring despite the seeming cruelty of his nature • Perhaps Del Toro did this adaption of the faun (who in classic mythology narrations is depicted as more unpredictable and selfish) as more of a guiding figure to ensure Ofelia’s safety and success in the completion of the tasks assigned to her. • Despite the faun’s anger towards Ofelia for disobeying his orders – he continues to give her another chance over and over again – this further supports the claim that he is more of a fatherly figure (than just a sidekick character) – allowing Ofelia to make mistakes in her childhood and to grow up…. ”You promise to listen? To do everything I tell you without question? ”
Capitán Vidal ¿Qué palabras usarías para describir Capitán Vidal?
• • • • Retorcido = Cruel = Brutal = Venenoso = Indiferente = Obsesivo = Solitario = Fascista = Distante = Sin remordimientos = Carece de empatía o compasión humana = Un hombre de precisión = Un hombre de destreza militar = Perturbado- Fatherhood is seen as a way of continuing the family line. Vidal wants to have a son, not out of love towards Carmen, but because he wants an heir who is born in a new Spain: “…quiero que mi hijo nazca en una España limpia y nueva”. Sus acciones no son de un psicópata, sino de un hombre de servicio, retorcido por la guerra y la carga de cumplir el estatus mítico de su padre.
¿Cómo ve y trata a las mujeres? él es despectivo con las mujeres tiene una actitud desdeñosa usa a su esposa solo para un hijo considera a Ofelia como una niña débil y tonta • ignora la idea de que Mercedes podría tener la astucia de dar conocimiento a la resistencia • piensa que las mujeres no se defenderán físicamente de la tortura ’es solo una mujer’ • •
Capitán Vidal • Is depicted as a character who is only concerned with legacy and power • Throughout the film, the character of Vidal represents one of the key themes: power. He has a dark hunger for power and will consume all in his path to obtain it. He is also seen trying to obtain power and reinforce it upon other characters. • Even though Vidal is considered Ofelia’s step-father, he is never in her life in a productive way. • From the moment Vidal meets Carmen and Ofelia, he shows his severe dislike for Ofelia – when she attempts to shake his hand amicably, he says coldly ‘It’s the other hand, Ofelia’. Del Toro trying to emphasise what here? • When Ofelia’s mother is sick, Vidal tells the doctor to save the baby – he is more concerned with having a son and being a father – “listen to me, if you have to choose, save the baby”. • Ofelia tells Mercedes: “He’s not my father. The Capitan. He’s not my father”. • This dislike grows when Ofelia acts as a free spirit and wonders outside of his authority. This dislike then turns to murderous intent when Ofelia tries to take her brother away from Vidal and he shoots her.
¿Y su padre de verdad ? ¿Qué representa? ¿Era un rey o un sastre? ¿Tuvo alguna influencia en Ofelia? ¿Qué piensas?
Conclusión • It is clear that both Vidal and the faun act as semi-paternal figures • For Ofelia, the captain is a replacement for her late father, and the faun is an emissary of Princess Moanna’s father. • It seems that her lack of father figure in the film/her rejection of any father (but her true father), leads her to complete the tasks to return to the underworld because then she will have her real father again.
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