EPR SCP IGES http www iges or jp

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Ⅰ. EPR概念と政策実施 SCP IGES | http: //www. iges. or. jp JICA Session 4

Ⅰ. EPR概念と政策実施 SCP IGES | http: //www. iges. or. jp JICA Session 4

Ⅱ. OECD各国における最近の議論 SCP IGES | http: //www. iges. or. jp JICA Session 10

Ⅱ. OECD各国における最近の議論 SCP IGES | http: //www. iges. or. jp JICA Session 10

Ⅲ. アジア各国におけるEPR政策の 発展(E-wasteを対象に) SCP IGES | http: //www. iges. or. jp JICA Session 18

Ⅲ. アジア各国におけるEPR政策の 発展(E-wasteを対象に) SCP IGES | http: //www. iges. or. jp JICA Session 18

資金調達システム • E-wasteが有価物として取引きされている途上国では、インフォーマルセクターと の競合問題が存在し、どのように使用済製品をフォーマルセクターに回収するの かが課題である。新興国では、資金調達システムを構築し、回収業者やリサイク ル業者への補助金として活用している。 Fee Rate Reviewing Committee: FRRC Decide the rate

資金調達システム • E-wasteが有価物として取引きされている途上国では、インフォーマルセクターと の競合問題が存在し、どのように使用済製品をフォーマルセクターに回収するの かが課題である。新興国では、資金調達システムを構築し、回収業者やリサイク ル業者への補助金として活用している。 Fee Rate Reviewing Committee: FRRC Decide the rate of fees and subsidies EPA Recycling fund management Committee: RFMC Manufacturers Pay fee (Rate is decided by FRRC) Give subsidy (Rate is decided by FRRC) sell waste items Collectors Recyclers check Audit company Pay the price of waste items 出典: Chung, S. W. , Murakami-Suzuki, R. , and Kojima, M. (2008). Chap 2. Application of EPR to Recycling Policies in Japan, Korea, and Japan. in Hotta et al. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Policy in Easte Asia - in Consideration of International Resource Circulation -. Hayama. IGES. SCP IGES | http: //www. iges. or. jp JICA Session 26

ご清聴有難うございます。 Cảm ơn SCP IGES | http: //www. iges. or. jp JICA Session 30

ご清聴有難うございます。 Cảm ơn SCP IGES | http: //www. iges. or. jp JICA Session 30

参考文献1 <英語文献> • Hotta, Y. , Hayashi, S. , Bengtsson, M. , and Mori,

参考文献1 <英語文献> • Hotta, Y. , Hayashi, S. , Bengtsson, M. , and Mori, H. eds. (2009), Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Policy in Easte Asia - in Consideration of International Resource Circulation -. Hayama. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. http: //enviroscope. iges. or. jp/modules/envirolib/view. php? docid=2607 UNEP and UNU. (2009), Sustainable Innovation and Technology Transfer Industrial Sector Studies: Recycling – From E-waste to Resources. United Nations Environment Programe & United Nations University, 2009. OECD (2001), Extended Producer Responsibility: A Guidance Manual for Governments, OECD, Paris. OECD (2003), Proceeding of OECD Seminar on Extended Producer Responsibility: EPR Programme Implementation and Assessment, OECD, Paris. OECD (2005), Analytical Framework for Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of Extended Producer Responsibility Programmes, ENV/EPOC/WGWPR(2005)6/FINAL, OECD, Paris. Lindhquist, T. (1992), Extended Producer Responsibility as a Strategy to Promote Cleaner Production, U Proceedings of an Invitational Expert Seminar, Sweden. Sander, K. , S. Stephanie, N. Tojo, C. van Rossem, J. Vernon, and C. George. (2007), The Producer Responsibility Principle of the WEEE directive, DG ENV, Hamburg, Germany: Okopol Gmbh. Kojima, M. , Yoshida, A. , and Sasaki, So. (2009), Difficulties in applying extended producer responsibility policies in developing countries: case studies in e-waste recycling in China and Thailand, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 11(3): 263 -269. • • SCP IGES | http: //www. iges. or. jp JICA Session 31

参考文献2 • Mayers, C. K. (2007), Strategic, Financial, and Design Implications of Extended Producer

参考文献2 • Mayers, C. K. (2007), Strategic, Financial, and Design Implications of Extended Producer Responsibility in Europe: A Producer Case Study, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 11(3): 113 -131. Lifset, R. and Lindhqvist, T. (2003), Can We Take the Concept of Individual Producer Responsibility from Theory to Practice? Journal of Industrial Ecology, 7(2): 3 -7. Lifset, R. and Lindhqvist, T. (2008), Producer Responsibility at a Turing Point? Journal of Industrial Ecology. Hosoda, E. (2008), Design of a Material Circulating Society: Institutional Design and Policy Outlook, Keio University Press, Tokyo. (written in Japanese). Clift, R. and France C. (2006), Extended Producer Responsibility in the EU: A Visible March of Folly. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 10(4): 5 -7. Scheer, D. and Rubik, F. (2006), Governance of Integrated Product Policy: In Search of Sustainable Production and Consumption, Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield, UK. Sachs, N. (2006). EPR in the European Union and the United States, Harvard Environmental Law Review, 30: 51 -98. • • • SCP IGES | http: //www. iges. or. jp JICA Session 32