ENGL 1302 Peer Critiques PEER CRITIQUE v Now

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ENGL 1302 Peer Critiques

PEER CRITIQUE v Now that you have finished your literature review, we will be moving onto the revision process, but you need valuable comments on your drafts in order for you to complete any revisions. v The peer critique process in ENGL 1302 is designed to allow for more than just the graders’ input and you receive input from your peers across 1302 that may emphasize or point out something that the graders did not put in their grading and review of the lit review.

PEER CRITIQUE v For the assignment for this week: read the assignment instructions because you have four parts or questions that you have to focus on for your critique. You will be completing TWO critiques of two different literature reviews, so keep this in mind as you budget your time. v ACCESS: to access the literature reviews that you will be critiquing, go to your Raider Writer portal. Under the “Submit Assignments” tab, go to the submission link for the Peer Critiques (they will be listed as 1. 1 a and 1. 1 b). You click on “Submit Now” and it will bring up a window with the draft for you to critique and a box for you to write up your assignment.

GUIDE FOR THE PEER CRITIQUE v Some tips and tricks for completing your assignment: • Read over the draft and have something to take notes on ready. I would suggest reading over the draft for the big things, such as organization, thesis statement, purpose, etc. You need to keep in mind that you have to craft a response to the lit review that will help the students, not confuse them. Look at the sources the student used, are the reliable? Are they used well? Does the paper flow? • Move onto the smaller, more specific areas of the paper next. How do the parts (body paragraphs) relate to the whole? Does the evidence they used fit? Did they use quotes? How does each individual sentence sound? Does it relate back to thesis statement? • The final part is what have you learned that can apply to your own revision process from what these other students have done?

PAPER FORMAT AND FINAL COMMENTS v You can set this assignment up however you want, you just have to make sure that you answer all of the questions and provide coherent criticisms. v For the criticism, don’t say “This is good” or “This is weak/bad, etc. ” Make sure you give a background basis. “The student has a nice organization here, but he/she might want to move the last subtitled body paragraph to stand as the first body paragraph because it would flow better. ” “The sentence here is a little awkward and confusing, think about revising it this way: . . . ” “The student has a strong idea here, but he/she should think about including x. ” When referring to a specific sentence, make sure to note which one it is, for example, In the sentence beginning with, “The researchers argue. . . ” in the second body paragraph. . . Or you can specifically note it, i. e. the third sentence of the fourth body paragraph.

FINAL THOUGHTS v The critiques are mainly straightforward, but you do have to spend some time on them to make them targeted for the student in terms of helpful revisions that they can make. v Make sure to be mindful of your tone, this is online and the student will see these peer critiques after they are graded (they won’t see your grade of course). Since you are writing towards an audience, think about that imagined audience that we noted earlier in the semester. Think about how you would view the statements that you make in each peer critique if you received it from an anonymous reviewer.

NEXT WEEK v Remember to start bringing your drafts to class next week because you will be conducting revisions on your own work and we will be workshopping them in class. v If you have any questions on the peer critique that I did not discuss in this presentation, let me know!