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PICOT QUESTION In adults with joint pain due to osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disorders

PICOT QUESTION In adults with joint pain due to osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disorders (P), does intra articular platelet rich plasma injections (I) versus intra articular steroid injections (C) offer any benefits in increasing function and decreasing pain (O) after completing treatment (T).

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Review osteoarthritis pathophysiology Describe the science behind Platelet-rich plasma Discuss the potential

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Review osteoarthritis pathophysiology Describe the science behind Platelet-rich plasma Discuss the potential role Platelet-rich plasma has in treating osteoarthritis Review the available evidence and research

BACKGROUND OA common complaint in primary care OA pathophysiology refresher Conventional treatment options New

BACKGROUND OA common complaint in primary care OA pathophysiology refresher Conventional treatment options New emerging treatments

WHAT THE HECK IS PRP? ! What is it? How do we get it?

WHAT THE HECK IS PRP? ! What is it? How do we get it? What is in it? How does it work?

EVIDENCE #1 The Study – Is PRP effective and safe? 57 total participants in

EVIDENCE #1 The Study – Is PRP effective and safe? 57 total participants in three groups Strengths Follow-up Randomized control trial VAS and WOMAC scores Compared efficacy of PRP directly to steroid Lequensne The Evidence VAS showed greatest improve in the 3 -PRP injection group at 2 month mark WOMAC scores better in PRP groups Concluded PRP was effective and safe Limitations Small sample size Brief Follow up time Lack of placebo group

EVIDENCE #2 The Study – Is PRP effective and feasible? 12 participants Strengths Multiple

EVIDENCE #2 The Study – Is PRP effective and feasible? 12 participants Strengths Multiple PRP injections Used objective forms to quantify pain improvement Follow-up Limited exclusion criteria The Evidence ICOAP, EQ-VAS, and patient specific goals improved 29% reduction of pain Limitations Very small size No control group

EVIDENCE #3 The Study – Efficacy and durability of PRP 90 participants Follow-up Strengths

EVIDENCE #3 The Study – Efficacy and durability of PRP 90 participants Follow-up Strengths Longest follow-up time study found Measures used – IKDC, EQ-VAS scores The Evidence IKDC scores 67%. At 12 month, 59% at 24 months Max improvement around 9 months Limitations Lack of control group Omission of knee functional assessments

EVIDENCE #4 The Study – PRP vs hyaluronic acid Meta-analysis – 3 prospective, 10

EVIDENCE #4 The Study – PRP vs hyaluronic acid Meta-analysis – 3 prospective, 10 RCT Total of 1, 520 participants WOMAC and VAS scores The Evidence PRP was shown to be more beneficial to HA but was not statistically significant – could be due to multiple measures used across studies Strengths Meta-analysis – 1, 500+ participants Head to head comparison of PRP vs. HA Limitations Heterogenicity of calculations from all studies

EVIDENCE #5 The Study – Can a single PRP IA be effective vs steroid

EVIDENCE #5 The Study – Can a single PRP IA be effective vs steroid Prospective randomized, double-blinded clinical trial 65 participants – PRP vs. steroid VAS, KOOS, SF-36 Follow-up Strengths Studied advanced OA patients Prospective, double blind RCT Multiple measures for pain, function, and quality of life The Evidence VAS scores decreased but not significantly more in PRP KOOS and SF-36 scores were better in PRP group Limitations Sample size

EVIDENCE #6 The Study – PRP for discogenic low back pain Specific inclusion criteria

EVIDENCE #6 The Study – PRP for discogenic low back pain Specific inclusion criteria 14 participants Strengths Quality of measures used Inclusion criteria – younger patients VAS scores/RDQ The Evidence 71% of patients saw at least a 50% reduction in VAS scores after just one injections Minor side effects Limitations Small sample size

EVIDENCE #7 The Study Measures used – VAS, MODQ scores, SLRT, Neuro exams 10

EVIDENCE #7 The Study Measures used – VAS, MODQ scores, SLRT, Neuro exams 10 patients, 3 months The Evidence All VAS scores were under five in three months MOFQ reduced by 30% SLRT improved by 70 degrees Sustained for six. months Strengths Specific inclusion and exclusion criteria Limitations Small sample size No control group

EVIDENCE SUMMARY Overall Consensus Evidence is still very preliminary PRP is superior to HA

EVIDENCE SUMMARY Overall Consensus Evidence is still very preliminary PRP is superior to HA and steroid injections in small studies PRP is effective in: Overall strengths Every single study showed some improvement in either pain or function, or both Overall limitations SAMPLE SIZE Reducing pain No standardization of administering PRP Improving function No standardization of concentration or mixture to Improving quality of life be used in injections

CONCLUSION PRP is a viable treatment option for treating osteoarthritis Evidence supports that it

CONCLUSION PRP is a viable treatment option for treating osteoarthritis Evidence supports that it can help reduce pain and improve a patient’s quality life More research is needed to explore possible PRP combinations, concentrations, and injection regimes

PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS Preliminary studies suggest PRP can be a viable treatment option, however more

PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS Preliminary studies suggest PRP can be a viable treatment option, however more research is needed. Cost, time, and supplies Delaying unnecessary surgeries Keeping patients active longer

KNOWLEDGE GAPS Are specific growth factors or enzymes better than others in PRP? Is

KNOWLEDGE GAPS Are specific growth factors or enzymes better than others in PRP? Is there a concentration, dose or frequency of injections that is more effective? How long do the benefits last? Are there any long term side effects?

FUTURE RESEARCH Larger studies Different stages of OA Different concentrations, doses, and number of

FUTURE RESEARCH Larger studies Different stages of OA Different concentrations, doses, and number of injections of PRP

REFERENCES Doherty, M. and Abhishek, A. (2019). Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of osteoarthritis. [online]

REFERENCES Doherty, M. and Abhishek, A. (2019). Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of osteoarthritis. [online] www-uptodatecom. pacificpa. idm. oclc. org. Available at: https: //www-uptodate-com. pacificpa. idm. oclc. org/contents/clinical-manifestationsand-diagnosis-ofosteoarthritis? search=osteoarthritis&source=search_result&selected. Title=1~150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1 [Accessed 23 Oct. 2019]. Deveza LA, Bennell K. Management of Knee Osteoarthritis. Up. To. Date. https: //www-uptodatecom. pacificpa. idm. oclc. org/contents/management-of-knee-osteoarthritis? search=platelet rich plasmainjections&source=search_result&selected. Title=2~150&usage_type=default&display_rank=2. Published March 26, 2019. Accessed April 17, 2019. Cook CS, Smith PA. Clinical Update: Why PRP Should Be Your First Choice for Injection Therapy in Treating Osteoarthritis of the Knee. Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine. 2018; 11(4): 583 -592. doi: 10. 1007/s 12178 -018 -9524 -x. Güvendi EU. Comparison of Efficiency Between Corticosteroid and Platelet Rich Plasma Injection Therapies in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis. Archives of Rheumatology. 2018; 33(3): 273 -281. doi: 10. 5606/archrheumatol. 2018. 6608. Glynn LG, Mustafa A, Casey M, et al. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy for knee arthritis: a feasibility study in primary care. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 2018; 4(1). doi: 10. 1186/s 40814 -018 -0288 -2.

REFERENCES Dhillon M, Patel S, Bali K. Platelet-rich plasma intra-articular knee injections for the

REFERENCES Dhillon M, Patel S, Bali K. Platelet-rich plasma intra-articular knee injections for the treatment of degenerative cartilage lesions and osteoarthritis. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2010; 19(5): 863 -864. doi: 10. 1007/s 00167 -010 -1339 -2. Kon E, Mandelbaum B, Buda R, et al. Platelet-Rich Plasma Intra-Articular Injection Versus Hyaluronic Acid Viscosupplementation as Treatments for Cartilage Pathology: From Early Degeneration to Osteoarthritis. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery. 2011; 27(11): 1490 -1501. doi: 10. 1016/j. arthro. 2011. 05. 011. Jubert NJ, Rodríguez L, Reverté-Vinaixa MM, Navarro A. Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections for Advanced Knee Osteoarthritis: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blinded Clinical Trial. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2017; 5(2): 232596711668938. doi: 10. 1177/2325967116689386. Akeda K, Ohishi K, Masuda K, et al. Intradiscal Injection of Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma Releasate to Treat Discogenic Low Back Pain: A Preliminary Clinical Trial. Asian Spine Journal. 2017; 11(3): 380. doi: 10. 4184/asj. 2017. 11. 3. 380. Bhatia R. Efficacy of Platelet Rich Plasma via Lumbar Epidural Route in Chronic Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc Patients-A Pilot Study. Journal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Research. September 2016. doi: 10. 7860/jcdr/2016/21863. 8482.