Effects of Intimate Partner Violence Physical Violence TEAM

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Effects of Intimate Partner Violence Physical Violence TEAM B CONTRIBUTORS: XX XX XX BSHS/407

Effects of Intimate Partner Violence Physical Violence TEAM B CONTRIBUTORS: XX XX XX BSHS/407 XX XX

Introduction Physical Abuse

Introduction Physical Abuse

Issues Related To Physical Violence Health and Safety Issues Quality of Life Issues

Issues Related To Physical Violence Health and Safety Issues Quality of Life Issues

Statistics of Intimate Partner Physical Violence in the United States Arthritis Chronic pelvic pain

Statistics of Intimate Partner Physical Violence in the United States Arthritis Chronic pelvic pain Sexually transmitted infections Visual impairment Chronic neck / back pain Migraines Stammering

Statistics of Intimate Partner Physical Violence in the United States 1. 5 Million Californian

Statistics of Intimate Partner Physical Violence in the United States 1. 5 Million Californian Victims Researchers identified over half a million Californians victimized by IPV who reported serious psychological distress as a result of victimization (Zahnd, Aydin, Grant, & Holtby, 2011).

Statistics of Intimate Partner Physical Violence in the United States All Children 3. 9

Statistics of Intimate Partner Physical Violence in the United States All Children 3. 9 % 2. 8 Million Children 2. 8 million children, representing 3. 9 percent of all children, lived in a household that someone experience violence (Truman & Smith, 2012).

Statistics of Intimate Partner Physical Violence in the United States Heterosexual Women Heterosexual Men

Statistics of Intimate Partner Physical Violence in the United States Heterosexual Women Heterosexual Men Have experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime (Walters, Chen, & Breiding, 2013).

Statistics of Intimate Partner Physical Violence in the United States 25 Incident 20 IPV

Statistics of Intimate Partner Physical Violence in the United States 25 Incident 20 IPV PHYSICAL VIOLENCE 15 10 5 0 1 Min. Time (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence) IPV INVOLVING WEAPONS 19%

Statistics of Intimate Partner Physical Violence in the United States 61% of Adult Abused

Statistics of Intimate Partner Physical Violence in the United States 61% of Adult Abused – Children will remain in an abusive cycle.

Statistics of Intimate Partner Physical Violence in the United States Ferraro’s theory: The Four


Statistics of Intimate Partner Physical Violence in the United States Women in IPV Relationships

Statistics of Intimate Partner Physical Violence in the United States Women in IPV Relationships Death Freedom Safety Opportunity Women Who Leave IPV Women Who Stay in IPV Mental Wellbeing Survivor Earning ($) Potential Depression Isolation PTSD Rape violence IPV Rate (%) Only Half of these women will be successful in overcoming the obstacles needed to leave these abusive situations (Ferraro, 1997).

Personal Safety Plan

Personal Safety Plan

The Role Of The Criminal Justice System's Response To Intimate Partner Physical Violence What

The Role Of The Criminal Justice System's Response To Intimate Partner Physical Violence What is the proper way the criminal justice system should respond? Do the criminal justice system take Physical/domestic violence calls just as serious?

The Role Of The Criminal Justice System's Response To Intimate Partner Physical Violence Different

The Role Of The Criminal Justice System's Response To Intimate Partner Physical Violence Different countries have different approaches when it comes to the criminal justice system response.

How Intimate Partner Physical Violence Can Affect Families Intimate partner violence can affect much

How Intimate Partner Physical Violence Can Affect Families Intimate partner violence can affect much more than just the victim of the abuse, from their children, their parents, siblings, all the way to coworkers and employers. Depression, fighting, sleep loss, and strained relationships between family are just some of the many issues that can stem from an abusive relationship between a family member and their spouse.

Special Considerations For The Human Service Worker When Working With Families of Intimate Partner

Special Considerations For The Human Service Worker When Working With Families of Intimate Partner Physical Violence Physical abuse is common in Domestic Violence All genders can be effected There are times when children can be involved Focusing on the victims state of mind/behavior Ensuring the victim comfort and safety



References Criminal Justice System Response to Domestic Violence(2015). Retrieved from http: //qqq. atopvaw. org/criminal_justice_system_response_to_domestice_violence

References Criminal Justice System Response to Domestic Violence(2015). Retrieved from http: //qqq. atopvaw. org/criminal_justice_system_response_to_domestice_violence Gosselin, D. K. (2014). Heavy hands: An introduction to the crimes of intimate and family violence, (5 th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (n. d. ). Retrieved from https: //ncadv. org/statistics Reachout (2018). Retrieved from https: //au. reachout. com/articles/what-is-physical-abuse Zieman, G. , Bridwell, A. , & Cárdenas, J. , F. (2017). Traumatic brain injury in domestic violence victims: A retrospective study at the barrow neurological institute. Journal of Neurotrauma, 34(4), 876 -880. doi: http: //dx. doi. org. contentproxy. phoenix. edu/10. 1089/neu. 2016. 4579