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ECE 476 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Lecture 4 Power System Operation Professor Tom Overbye Department

ECE 476 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Lecture 4 Power System Operation Professor Tom Overbye Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Reading and Homework • • Moving 1 st Exam? Oct 11 or 13? For

Reading and Homework • • Moving 1 st Exam? Oct 11 or 13? For lectures 4 through 6 please be reading Chapter 4 – • we will not be covering sections 4. 7, 4. 11, and 4. 12 in detail though you should still at least skim those sections. HW 1 is 2. 9, 22, 28, 32, 48; due Thursday 9/8 • For Problem 2. 32 you need to use the Power. World Software. You can download the software and cases at the below link; get version 15. http: //www. powerworld. com/gloversarma. asp Direct Power. World download page is http: //www. powerworld. com/Demo. Software/Glover. Sarma. Simdwnl dv 15. asp 1

State Variation in Electric Rates 2

State Variation in Electric Rates 2

The Goal: Customer Choice 3

The Goal: Customer Choice 3

The Result for California in 2000/1 OFF 4

The Result for California in 2000/1 OFF 4

The California-Enron Effect WA MT ND MN OR ID SD WY NV WI CA

The California-Enron Effect WA MT ND MN OR ID SD WY NV WI CA AZ CO PA IL KS OK NM MO AR IN OH KY W VA VA NH MA RI CT NJ DE DC MD NC TN SC MS AL TX NY MI IA NE UT VT ME GA LA AK FL HI electricity restructuring delayed restructuring Source : http: //www. eia. doe. gov/cneaf/electricity/chg_str/regmap. html no activity suspended restructuring 5

Natural Gas Boom, Bust and Boom 6

Natural Gas Boom, Bust and Boom 6

August 14 th, 2003 Blackout 7

August 14 th, 2003 Blackout 7

2007 Illinois Electricity Crisis l l Two main electric utilities in Illinois are Com.

2007 Illinois Electricity Crisis l l Two main electric utilities in Illinois are Com. Ed and Ameren Restructuring law had frozen electricity prices for ten years, with rate decreases for many. Prices rose on January 1, 2007 as price freeze ended; price increases were especially high for electric heating customers who had previously enjoyed rates as low as 2. 5 cents/k. Wh 2009 average residential rate (in cents/k. Wh) is 9. 08 in IL, 7. 62 IN, 9. 38 WI, 7. 37 IA, 15. 52 NY, 6. 60 WA, 13. 20 in CA, 9. 82 US average 8

The Rise of Renewables Currently about 4% of our electric capacity is wind The

The Rise of Renewables Currently about 4% of our electric capacity is wind The up/downs in 2001/2 and 2003/4 were caused by expiring tax credits 9

The Smart Grid • The term “Smart Grid” dates officially to the 2007 “Energy

The Smart Grid • The term “Smart Grid” dates officially to the 2007 “Energy Independence and Security Act”, Title 13 (“Smart Grid”) • • • Use of digital information and control techniques Dynamic grid optimization with cyber-security Deployment of distributed resources including Customer participation and smart appliances Integration of storage including PHEVs Development of interoperability standards 10

Smart Grid Perceptions 11

Smart Grid Perceptions 11

In the News: Local Electricity Suppliers • • On Monday (Aug 29) the News-Gazette

In the News: Local Electricity Suppliers • • On Monday (Aug 29) the News-Gazette had a story about alternative electricity suppliers finally entering the Ameren residential market For example, Blue. Star Energy offers electricity at a fixed price of 5. 175 cents/k. Wh versus Ameren at 5. 646 cents/k. Wh. • • • There are other rate options as well so consumers need to shop around for what works best You still pay some money to Ameren for the use of the wires, just not for energy Check out www. pluginillinois. org 12

In the News: Illinois Smart Grid Bill • • • On Monday (Aug 29)

In the News: Illinois Smart Grid Bill • • • On Monday (Aug 29) legislation to “modernize” the Illinois electric grid was sent to Governor Quinn. He has promised to veto the bill. If vetoed it could be overriden in the fall veto session Supporters of the ten year, $3 billion effort, say the savings to consumers due to the installation of smart meters will more than offset the increase in rates. Quinn and other argue it gives too much money to Com. Ed and Ameren. 13

Power System Operations Overview l l l Goal is to provide an intuitive feel

Power System Operations Overview l l l Goal is to provide an intuitive feel for power system operation Emphasis will be on the impact of the transmission system Introduce basic power flow concepts through small system examples 14

Power System Basics l l All power systems have three major components: Generation, Load

Power System Basics l l All power systems have three major components: Generation, Load and Transmission/Distribution. Generation: Creates electric power. Load: Consumes electric power. Transmission/Distribution: Transmits electric power from generation to load. – – Lines/transformers operating at voltages above 100 k. V are usually called the transmission system. The transmission system is usually networked. Lines/transformers operating at voltages below 100 k. V are usually called the distribution system (radial). 15

Simulation of the Eastern Interconnect 16

Simulation of the Eastern Interconnect 16

Small Power. World Simulator Case Load with green arrows indicating amount of MW flow

Small Power. World Simulator Case Load with green arrows indicating amount of MW flow Used to control output of generator Note the power balance at each bus Direction of arrow is used to indicate direction of real power (MW) flow 17

Power Balance Constraints l l Power flow refers to how the power is moving

Power Balance Constraints l l Power flow refers to how the power is moving through the system. At all times in the simulation the total power flowing into any bus MUST be zero! This is know as Kirchhoff’s law. And it can not be repealed or modified. Power is lost in the transmission system. 18

Basic Power Control l Opening a circuit breaker causes the power flow to instantaneously(nearly)

Basic Power Control l Opening a circuit breaker causes the power flow to instantaneously(nearly) change. No other way to directly control power flow in a transmission line. By changing generation we can indirectly change this flow. 19

Transmission Line Limits l l l Power flow in transmission line is limited by

Transmission Line Limits l l l Power flow in transmission line is limited by heating considerations. Losses (I 2 R) can heat up the line, causing it to sag. Each line has a limit; Simulator does not allow you to continually exceed this limit. Many utilities use winter/summer limits. 20

Overloaded Transmission Line 21

Overloaded Transmission Line 21

Interconnected Operation l l Power systems are interconnected across large distances. For example most

Interconnected Operation l l Power systems are interconnected across large distances. For example most of North America east of the Rockies is one system, with most of Texas and Quebec being major exceptions Individual utilities only own and operate a small portion of the system, which is referred to an operating area (or an area). 22

Operating Areas l l l Transmission lines that join two areas are known as

Operating Areas l l l Transmission lines that join two areas are known as tie-lines. The net power out of an area is the sum of the flow on its tie-lines. The flow out of an area is equal to total gen - total load - total losses = tie-flow 23

Area Control Error (ACE) l l l The area control error is the difference

Area Control Error (ACE) l l l The area control error is the difference between the actual flow out of an area, and the scheduled flow. Ideally the ACE should always be zero. Because the load is constantly changing, each utility must constantly change its generation to “chase” the ACE. 24

Automatic Generation Control l l Most utilities use automatic generation control (AGC) to automatically

Automatic Generation Control l l Most utilities use automatic generation control (AGC) to automatically change their generation to keep their ACE close to zero. Usually the utility control center calculates ACE based upon tie-line flows; then the AGC module sends control signals out to the generators every couple seconds. 25

Three Bus Case on AGC Generation is automatically changed to match change in load

Three Bus Case on AGC Generation is automatically changed to match change in load Net tie flow is close to zero 26

Generator Costs l l l There are many fixed and variable costs associated with

Generator Costs l l l There are many fixed and variable costs associated with power system operation. The major variable cost is associated with generation. Cost to generate a MWh can vary widely. For some types of units (such as hydro and nuclear) it is difficult to quantify. For thermal units it is much easier. These costs will be discussed later in the course. 27

Economic Dispatch l l Economic dispatch (ED) determines the least cost dispatch of generation

Economic Dispatch l l Economic dispatch (ED) determines the least cost dispatch of generation for an area. For a lossless system, the ED occurs when all the generators have equal marginal costs. IC 1(PG, 1) = IC 2(PG, 2) = … = ICm(PG, m) 28

Power Transactions l l l Power transactions are contracts between areas to do power

Power Transactions l l l Power transactions are contracts between areas to do power transactions. Contracts can be for any amount of time at any price for any amount of power. Scheduled power transactions are implemented by modifying the area ACE: ACE = Pactual, tie-flow - Psched 29

100 MW Transaction Scheduled 100 MW Transaction from Left to Right Net tie-line flow

100 MW Transaction Scheduled 100 MW Transaction from Left to Right Net tie-line flow is now 100 MW 30

Security Constrained ED Transmission constraints often limit system economics. l Such limits required a

Security Constrained ED Transmission constraints often limit system economics. l Such limits required a constrained dispatch in order to maintain system security. l In three bus case the generation at bus 3 must be constrained to avoid overloading the line from bus 2 to bus 3. l 31

Security Constrained Dispatch is no longer optimal due to need to keep line from

Security Constrained Dispatch is no longer optimal due to need to keep line from bus 2 to bus 3 from overloading 32

Multi-Area Operation l l l If Areas have direct interconnections, then they may directly

Multi-Area Operation l l l If Areas have direct interconnections, then they may directly transact up to the capacity of their tie-lines. Actual power flows through the entire network according to the impedance of the transmission lines. Flow through other areas is known as “parallel path” or “loop flows. ” 33

Seven Bus Case: One-line System has three areas Area left has one bus Area

Seven Bus Case: One-line System has three areas Area left has one bus Area top has five buses Area right has one bus 34

Seven Bus Case: Area View Actual flow between areas System has 40 MW of

Seven Bus Case: Area View Actual flow between areas System has 40 MW of “Loop Flow” Scheduled flow Loop flow can result in higher losses 35

Seven Bus - Loop Flow? Note that Top’s Losses have increased from 7. 09

Seven Bus - Loop Flow? Note that Top’s Losses have increased from 7. 09 MW to 9. 44 MW 100 MW Transaction between Left and Right Transaction has actually decreased the loop flow 36

Pricing Electricity l l l Cost to supply electricity to bus is called the

Pricing Electricity l l l Cost to supply electricity to bus is called the locational marginal price (LMP) Presently some electric makets post LMPs on the web In an ideal electricity market with no transmission limitations the LMPs are equal Transmission constraints can segment a market, resulting in differing LMP Determination of LMPs requires the solution on an Optimal Power Flow (OPF) 37

3 BUS LMPS - OVERLOAD IGNORED Gen 2’s cost is $12 per MWh Gen

3 BUS LMPS - OVERLOAD IGNORED Gen 2’s cost is $12 per MWh Gen 1’s cost is $10 per MWh Line from Bus 1 to Bus 3 is over-loaded; all buses have same marginal cost 38

LINE OVERLOAD ENFORCED Line from 1 to 3 is no longer overloaded, but now

LINE OVERLOAD ENFORCED Line from 1 to 3 is no longer overloaded, but now the marginal cost of electricity at 3 is $14 / MWh 39

MISO and PJM are the reliability coordinators covering the electric grid in Illinois. Com.

MISO and PJM are the reliability coordinators covering the electric grid in Illinois. Com. Ed is in PJM, and Ameren is in MISO. 40

MISO ACE Chart from Aug 31, 2011 https: //www. midwestiso. org/Markets. Operations/Real. Time. Market.

MISO ACE Chart from Aug 31, 2011 https: //www. midwestiso. org/Markets. Operations/Real. Time. Market. Data/Pages/ACECh art. aspx 41

MISO LMPs 8/31/11 at 11: 05 AM www. midwestmarket. org 42

MISO LMPs 8/31/11 at 11: 05 AM www. midwestmarket. org 42