ECE 476 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Lecture 21 Unbalanced

ECE 476 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Lecture 21 Unbalanced Faults Professor Tom Overbye Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Announcements l l l Design Project has firm due date of Dec 4. Be reading Chapters 8 and 9. Scholarship forms should be turned in my Dec 1. 1

In the News: Hyperion Power Generation l Hyperion Power Generation, a start-up company coming out of Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico, has announced a “small” nuclear power reactor. l l l Produces about 70 MW thermal, or 25 MW electric Should provide power for about five years, then it is removed and refueled at the factory About the size of a residential hot tub Should cost about $30 million each Sealed using a safe, self-modulating “chemical” reaction Source: http: //www. hyperionpowergeneration. com/ 2

In the News: Future. Gen l Future. Gen is a public-private partnership to design, build and operate the world’s first coal-fueled, near -zero emissions power plant (275 MW) l l DOE competition selected Mattoon Illinois as the site in Dec 2007, but then DOE almost immediately tried to pull the plug on the project, saying cost was too high. Industrial partners (mostly with large coal involvement) and some in government want to continue project l Source: http: //www. futuregenalliance. org/ 3

Unbalanced Fault Analysis l The first step in the analysis of unbalanced faults is to assemble three sequence networks. For example, for the earlier single generator, single motor example let’s develop the sequence networks 4

Sequence Diagrams for Example Positive Sequence Network Negative Sequence Network 5

Sequence Diagrams for Example Zero Sequence Network 6

Create Thevenin Equivalents l To do further analysis we first need to calculate thevenin equivalents as seen from the fault location. In this example the fault is at the terminal of the right machine so thevenin equivalents are: 7

Single Line-to-Ground (SLG) Faults l l Unbalanced faults unbalance the network, but only at the fault location. This causes a coupling of the sequence networks. How the sequence networks are coupled depends upon the fault type. We’ll derive these relationships for several common faults. With a SLG fault only one phase has non-zero fault current -- we’ll assume it is phase A. 8

SLG Faults, cont’d 9

SLG Faults, cont’d 10

SLG Faults, cont’d With the sequence networks in series we can solve for the fault currents (assume Zf=0) 11

Electric Faults and Flying Manhole Covers l l A common consequence of an underground cable fault (using SLG) is a flying manhole cover. Sequence of events is often as follows: l l l Many underground cables are quite old, so eventually its insulation cracks This causes the insulation to eventually start to burn, releasing carbon monoxide, an extremely flammable gas. Eventually cable faults with a spark causing the explosion, sending the 300 pound manhole cover flying Source: http: //nymag. com/news/intelligencer/18870/ 12

Line-to-Line (LL) Faults l The second most common fault is line-to-line, which occurs when two of the conductors come in contact with each other. With out loss of generality we'll assume phases b and c. 13

LL Faults, cont'd 14

LL Faults, con'td 15

LL Faults, cont'd 16

LL Faults, cont'd 17

LL Faults, cont'd 18

Double Line-to-Ground Faults l With a double line-to-ground (DLG) fault two line conductors come in contact both with each other and ground. We'll assume these are phases b and c. 19

DLG Faults, cont'd 20

DLG Faults, cont'd 21

DLG Faults, cont'd 22

DLG Faults, cont'd l The three sequence networks are joined as follows Assuming Zf=0, then 23

DLG Faults, cont'd 24

Unbalanced Fault Summary l l l SLG: Sequence networks are connected in series, parallel to three times the fault impedance LL: Positive and negative sequence networks are connected in parallel; zero sequence network is not included since there is no path to ground DLG: Positive, negative and zero sequence networks are connected in parallel, with the zero sequence network including three times the fault impedance 25

Generalized System Solution l l 1. 2. 3. 4. Assume we know the pre-fault voltages The general procedure is then Calculate Zbus for each sequence For a fault at bus i, the Zii values are thevenin equivalent impedances; the pre-fault voltage is the positive sequence thevenin voltage Connect and solve thevenin equivalent sequence networks to determine the fault current Sequence voltages throughout the system are 26

Generalized System Solution, cont’d Sequence voltages throughout the system are given by 4. This is solved for each sequence network! 5. Phase values are determined from the sequence values 27

Unbalanced System Example For the generators assume Z+ = Z = j 0. 2; Z 0 = j 0. 05 For the transformers assume Z+ = Z =Z 0 = j 0. 05 For the lines assume Z+ = Z = j 0. 1; Z 0 = j 0. 3 Assume unloaded pre-fault, with voltages =1. 0 p. u. 28

Positive/Negative Sequence Network Negative sequence is identical to positive sequence 29

Zero Sequence Network 30

For a SLG Fault at Bus 3 The sequence networks are created using the pre-fault voltage for the positive sequence thevenin voltage, and the Zbus diagonals for thevenin impedances Positive Seq. Negative Seq. Zero Seq. The fault type then determines how the networks are interconnected 31

Bus 3 SLG Fault, cont’d 32

Bus 3 SLG Fault, cont’d 33

Faults on Lines l l The previous analysis has assumed that the fault is at a bus. Most faults occur on transmission lines, not at the buses For analysis these faults are treated by including a dummy bus at the fault location. How the impedance of the transmission line is then split depends upon the fault location 34

Line Fault Example Assume a SLG fault occurs on the previous system on the line from bus 1 to bus 3, one third of the way from bus 1 to bus 3. To solve the system we add a dummy bus, bus 4, at the fault location 35

Line Fault Example, cont’d The Ybus now has 4 buses 36

Power System Protection l l Main idea is to remove faults as quickly as possible while leaving as much of the system intact as possible Fault sequence of events 1. 2. 3. 4. Fault occurs somewhere on the system, changing the system currents and voltages Current transformers (CTs) and potential transformers (PTs) sensors detect the change in currents/voltages Relays use sensor input to determine whether a fault has occurred If fault occurs relays open circuit breakers to isolate fault 37

Power System Protection l l 1. 2. Protection systems must be designed with both primary protection and backup protection in case primary protection devices fail In designing power system protection systems there are two main types of systems that need to be considered: Radial: there is a single source of power, so power always flows in a single direction; this is the easiest from a protection point of view Network: power can flow in either direction: protection is much more involved 38

Radial Power System Protection l Radial systems are primarily used in the lower voltage distribution systems. Protection actions usually result in loss of customer load, but the outages are usually quite local. The figure shows potential protection schemes for a radial system. The bottom scheme is preferred since it results in less lost load 39

Radial Power System Protection l l l In radial power systems the amount of fault current is limited by the fault distance from the power source: faults further done the feeder have less fault current since the current is limited by feeder impedance Radial power system protection systems usually use inverse-time overcurrent relays. Coordination of relay current settings is needed to open the correct breakers 40

Inverse Time Overcurrent Relays l l Inverse time overcurrent relays respond instantaneously to a current above their maximum setting They respond slower to currents below this value but above the pickup current value 41

Inverse Time Relays, cont'd l l l The inverse time characteristic provides backup protection since relays further upstream (closer to power source) should eventually trip if relays closer to the fault fail Challenge is to make sure the minimum pickup current is set low enough to pick up all likely faults, but high enough not to trip on load current When outaged feeders are returned to service there can be a large in-rush current as all the motors try to simultaneously start; this in-rush current may re-trip the feeder 42

Inverse Time Overcurrent Relays Current and time settings are adjusted using dials on the relay Relays have traditionally been electromechanical devices, but are gradually being replaced by digital relays 43
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