Earth StructureThe Beginnings of the Planet Earth mp
Earth Structure-The Beginnings of the Planet Earth. mp 4
• How do scientists know what’s inside the Earth? **Video in picture**
Clues to Earth’s Interior • Geologists must use indirect observations • Geologists also study- • to gather clues about what Earth’s interior is made of • Earthquakes, volcanoes, and rocks that are exposed at Earth’s surface • the speed of waves and the paths they take • Certain rocks from different places on the Earth’s surface
Earth’s Layers • Earth’s interior has at least 4 distinct layers • inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust • **video in picture**
Inner Core • Inner core-innermost layer http: //www. youtube. com/watc h? v=Q 9 j 1 x. Gax. Yz. Y • Compositioncomposed mostly of solid iron-Fe • Thickness-780 miles thick • State of matter-solid • Temperature-6000 degrees celsius
Outer Core • Outer core-lies above the inner core • Composition-nickel-Ni and iron-Fe • Thickness-1400 miles thick • State of matter-liquidmolten metal • Temperature-40005000 degrees celsius
Mantle • Mantle-largest layerabove the outer core • Composition-rocks with iron-Fe and magnesium-Mg • Thickness-1800 miles • State of matter-in between solid and liquid-like putty-semisolid-plasticity • Temperature-28003200 degrees celsius
Asthenosphere • Asthenosphere- • the semi-solid part of the upper mantle that flows like hot asphalt • Has plasticity-the ability of a solid to flow like a liquid
Earth’s Plates-Lithosphere • Lithosphere • rigid, upper part of Earth’s mantle and the crust • Composition-oxygen. O and silicon-Si • Thickness-thin layer • State of matter-solid • Temperature-cooler in temperature • Broken in plates
Crust • Crust –Earth’s outermost layer http: //www. youtube. co m/watch? v=Ri. HRI_Z 2 K gs&feature=related http: //www. learner. org /interactives/dynamic earth/structure. html • Composition • Continental crustgranite • Oceanic-basalt • Both are igneous rocks • Thickness-3 -25 miles thick (thinnest) • Continental is thicker than oceanic • State of matter-solid • Temperature-cooler in temperature
Density • The layers in order from most dense to least dense are- • • Inner Core Outer Core Mantle Crust
Convection Currents • Convection currents- • Hot rock rises and cool rock falls • Causes movement in the mantle
CONVECTION CURRENTS • https: //video. search. yahoo. com/video/ play; _ylt=A 2 KLq. IGB 9 Ox. U 1 l. UAFn 37 w 8 QF; _ylu=X 3 o. DMTBy. ZWc 0 d. GJt. BHNl. Y w. Nzcg. Rzb. Gs. Ddmlk. BHZ 0 a. WQDBGdw b 3 MDMQ-? p=animation+of+convection+currents +in+the+mantle&vid=95 d 7 b 0 e 2 ec 6 f 2 af 557 f 9 a 8323786766 d&l=00%3 A 46&turl =http%3 A%2 F%2 Fts 3. mm. bing. net%2 Fth%3 Fid%3 DVN. 6079920962688160 14%26 pid%3 D 15. 1&rurl=https%3 A%2 F%2 Fwww. youtube. com%2 Fwatch%3 Fv%3 Dp 0 d. WF_3 PYh 4&tit=mantle+con vection+cells+and+continental+drift. w mv&c=0&sigr=11 bna 6 sc 4&sigt=11 h 8 m j 89 s&sigi=11 r 2 sdq 9 m&age=12690345 57&fr 2=p%3 As%2 Cv%3 Av&hsimp=yh s-001&hspart=mozilla&tt=b • https: //video. search. yahoo. com/video/ play? p=animation+of+convection+curr ents+in+the+mantle&vid=fb 171540 c 57 0 b 60 e 0327 b 58 c 68 e 3 acde&l=1%3 A 09 &turl=http%3 A%2 F%2 Fts 2. mm. bing. n et%2 Fth%3 Fid%3 DVN. 607998487181 463533%26 pid%3 D 15. 1&rurl=https%3 A%2 F%2 Fwww. youtube. com%2 Fwatc h%3 Fv%3 DKpoko_l 34 ZE&tit=The+Ear th+3 D%3 A+Convection+Current
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