DurkheimMerton Anomie or Strain Theories Emile Durkheim n
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Durkheim&Merton Anomie or “Strain” Theories
Emile Durkheim n French Sociologist n Suicide n Coined the Term “Anomie”: – When “institutionalized norms” lose their meaning and ability to control human behavior and needs n Mechanical vs. Organic Solidarity
Robert K. Merton n Social Structure and Anomie (1938) n From Durkheim: Institutionalized norms are weakened in societies that place an intense value on economic success n Applied this to the United States – Culturally Valued Goals – Institutionalized Means
Anomie -- Macro Level n The “road not taken” n Explanation of high crime rates in the United States? – Follows close to Durkheim – Gist = Unrestrained American capitalism and fetish with money creates anomie n Picked up by Messner and Rosenfeld
Strain Theory--Anomie at the Micro Level n Cultural Goal in U. S. ? – This goal is universal – (The American Dream) n Institutionalized Means? – Due to the social structure in the U. S. , the means are unequally distributed – Segment of society with no way to attain goal b/c they lack means
Strain Theory (Micro) MODES OF ADAPTATION CULTURAL GOALS STITUTIONALIZED MEANS 1. Conformity + + 2. Innovation + - 3. Ritualism - + 4. Retreatism - - 5. Rebellion +/-
Support for Micro Strain Theory n Typically tested as the disjuncture between educational or economic “aspirations” and “expectations” n Little empirical support for this – Delinquents tend to have low expectations and aspirations – More recent tests have found some weak support
Criticisms of Merton and “Strain” Theory n Is crime a “lower class” phenomena? n Why ritualist vs. innovator? n Cannot explain “expressive” crimes n Weak empirical support n Hirschi = “Oversocialized Man”
Exam I Review n Evaluating Theories – Know Criteria – Know which are most important – Be able to apply them to theories that we’ve discussed
Deterrence Theory n Roots n Specific vs. General n Macro vs. Micro n How would you measure the concepts at both the micro and macro level? n Empirical Support and Policy Implications
Rational Choice / Opportunity n Don’t memorize Cornish and Clarke – Focus more on Deterrence theory n Important only as an example of a RCT that goes beyond “pure utility” – Why criticize if theorists go beyond “pure utility” or “pure deterrence? ” n Routine Activity Theory
Social Learning Theory n Focus on the Sutherland--Akers tradition. – Basic concepts of each(model for Akers) – How Akers modified Differential Association – Policy implications and empirical support – Measures and criticism of the measures
Gerald Patterson n Know theory (diagram) n Policy Implications n Is he a control or learning theorist?
Control Theories n Early control theories – Nye, Reckless n Hirschi (1969) – Social Bond Theory n Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) – The General Theory
Hirschi (1969) n How criticize early control theories? n Assumptions about human nature n Elements of the bond n Empirical Support n Policy Implications
Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) n Nature of crime, nature of criminals n Causes of low self-control n Consequences of low self-control n Description of low self-control n Policy Implications / Empirical Support n Social Bond vs. General Theory – Similarities and Differences
Pirate Variables n Sykes and Matza’s Techniques of Neutralization n Criminal Parents, Criminal Peers
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