Dragons Week 2 Week 2 of Dragons Day

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Dragons Week 2

Dragons Week 2

Week 2 of Dragons – Day 1 Editing Be day and polishing day! strict

Week 2 of Dragons – Day 1 Editing Be day and polishing day! strict with yourself – no author ever gets it perfect on their first draft!

Editing – what to do 1. 2. 3. 4. Look for sentence openers. Have

Editing – what to do 1. 2. 3. 4. Look for sentence openers. Have you got a variation. How many of your sentence begin with : it, he, she, the? Look for description – have you described nouns and verbs using adjectives and adverbs? Are your verbs strong? Use a thesaurus online. Have you used figurative language (simile, personification, alliteration, metaphors)? Look for punctuation. Have you checked all full stops and capitals, commas after openers, brackets, dashes, colons, semi-colons?

Editing part 2 – what to do 1. 2. 3. Have you included too

Editing part 2 – what to do 1. 2. 3. Have you included too much? Sometimes removing low quality language can help. Sometimes less is more! Does each sentence tell you something new in a clever way? Spellings – check any spellings – use an online dictionary or spell check. Underline in pencil any words you think you should check. You could ask an adult in the house to help you with this like I would in class! Watch out for homophones: their, there, they’re, too, two, hear, here, wear …

Week 2 of Dragons – Day 2 Presentation Day! Copy these up into neat

Week 2 of Dragons – Day 2 Presentation Day! Copy these up into neat any handwritten sections that could be presented clearer. You could use a double page spread. Consider an impactful heading/title If you are using the computer, consider the presentation with fonts, images, subheadings etc. Print/ present your final piece including your labelled diagram. You could lay them out like a collage on a large sheet and take a photo. Add in any other illustrations or even paintings or models that will enhance the final look of this dragon project.

This was a Year 2 child!

This was a Year 2 child!

This was a Year 2 child!

This was a Year 2 child!

Week 2 of Dragons – Day 3 Let’s try to develop your dragon a

Week 2 of Dragons – Day 3 Let’s try to develop your dragon a little more now with a different style of writing. You could: Write a short story involving your dragon Write a poem Write a newspaper article about your dragon Write a letter or diary entry from your dragon about what they have been doing

Week 2 of Dragons – Day 4 Create a wordsearch or crossword using as

Week 2 of Dragons – Day 4 Create a wordsearch or crossword using as many dragon words as you can. Illustrate it as if it was going to be published!

Week 2 Dragons - Day 5 Spelling and handwriting! Plus – finish anything that

Week 2 Dragons - Day 5 Spelling and handwriting! Plus – finish anything that needs finishing!