Dragons Day 1 Look at extracts from Dragonology

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Day 1 Look at extracts from Dragonology Read together the Dragon book. Look at

Day 1 Look at extracts from Dragonology Read together the Dragon book. Look at the Dragon Illustrations Powerpoint Task – write down any key phrases or vocabulary that you like from these examples. Create a Word Splash of words associated with dragons

Day 2 Think about your own dragon that you want to create We will

Day 2 Think about your own dragon that you want to create We will be designing a double page spread over 2 weeks with 1 additional piece of writing that is connected. Today let’s try to create an introduction paragraph with key fact summary. Look at the example below:

The Frost Flake Dragon Introduction: Thought to be extinct, this rare, secretive dragon is

The Frost Flake Dragon Introduction: Thought to be extinct, this rare, secretive dragon is now confined to the highest peaks of the Himalayas. This delicate creature uses its neartransparent appearance to camouflage itself amongst the snow-covered terrain where it seeks out its prey. Lair or nest: A deep nest hollowed out from mountain ice (usually in the most inaccessible areas). Dimensions: 18 metres long; 6 metres high. Colouration: Purest white. Fully grown adults have wings tinged with blue. Forms of attack: Camouflage, stealth, ambush. Lays in wait for its prey before paralysing it with an icy blast. Food: Mountain goats, musk deer and wild yak. It will also tackle smaller prey such as mountain hares and marmots.

Day 3 Consider two further paragraph sections: Habitat: Primarily nestled into the mountainside, the

Day 3 Consider two further paragraph sections: Habitat: Primarily nestled into the mountainside, the Imagine Dragon camouflages to keep itself safe. Like a chameleon, it can alter its appearance based on the weather conditions. When nightfall descends, this impressive specie leaves the sanctuary of home, soaring high beyond the clouds – searching for its next victim.

Special Powers Separating it from its counterparts, the Imagine Dragon possesses an array of

Special Powers Separating it from its counterparts, the Imagine Dragon possesses an array of wonderful powers. Two of the most incredible ones are: Stealth flight – believed to be able to cruise at speeds faster than fighter jets, the Imagine Dragon would be undetectable by modern radar technology. Reproductive teeth – after the reptile reaches its life end, the 200 teeth inside is comprehensive jaw sink into the ground. Almost instantly, they morph into eggs – ready to produce young Imagine infants.

Day 4 Watch the Literacy Shed Video https: //www. literacyshed. com/the-myths-andlegends-shed. html The Egg

Day 4 Watch the Literacy Shed Video https: //www. literacyshed. com/the-myths-andlegends-shed. html The Egg and Nest Family Habitat Food and daily needs Purpose and special abilities Interaction with others Lifespan

Day 4 Continued Find two more subsections that you would like to investigate from

Day 4 Continued Find two more subsections that you would like to investigate from the list: Family Food and daily needs Egg and Nest Lifespan Training a dragon Body structure Working with dragons Physical description of dragon Other dragons

Day 5 Time to start planning the main piece into neat. Just make a

Day 5 Time to start planning the main piece into neat. Just make a plan and draw your dragon in detail! Think about how you might write or layout your title. Leave enough space for all your writing!

This was a Year 2 child!

This was a Year 2 child!

This was a Year 2 child!

This was a Year 2 child!

This was a Year 2 child!

This was a Year 2 child!