Dorothy Stringer School Governing Body 201920 Governing Body
Dorothy Stringer School Governing Body 2019/20
Governing Body Core Functions Extract from Governors Handbook January 2015 “The Department of Education has high expectations of governing bodies. They are the strategic leaders of our schools and have a vital role to play in making sure every child gets the best possible education. For maintained schools this is reflected in law, which states that the purpose of maintained school governing bodies is to conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement for all. In all types of schools, governing bodies should have a strong focus on three core strategic functions: Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of all staff. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. ”
Key Priorities Quality of Education (Intent) Schemes of Learning (that show coherent sequencing of acquisition of knowledge and skills) are in place in all subject areas, to support the new progress measures Modified and strengthened focus on Attitude to Learning through new Learning Behaviour statements as one of two key indicators of progress; this becomes the primary focus of reporting to parents at KS 3 Further develop broader provision for low prior attaining students
Key Priorities Quality of Education (Implementation) New summative assessments will be trialled and evaluated in 2019/20 and will be a more accurate tool for identifying educational underachievement and thereby students and groups in need of intervention Staff accurately assess and report on Attitude to Learning through new Learning Behaviour statements to enable improved interventions Secure a consistent approach to whole school formative assessment strategies to ensure quality of learning (making knowledge stick
Key Priorities Quality of Education (Impact) Improve outcomes in Key Subjects Improve the progress made by Disadvantaged students, especially those who have high absence rates Ensure that Boys achieve as well as Girls
Key Priorities Behaviour & Attitudes Attendance Team to review and revise the attendance plan (especially targeting Disadvantaged Students whose absence is above 5%) Evaluate the impact of the changes to the ATL system ensuring that students have a clear expectation and understanding of learning behaviours Improve punctuality to lessons and school
Key Priorities Personal Development Provide better support to improve the Mental Health for students. Increase Mental Health care and support for staff Ensure students and parents understand the potential dangers of using social media and act in a safe manner whilst doing so
Key Priorities Leadership & Mangement Ensure all staff understand our curriculum intent and how it underpins schemes of learning and lessons Implement revised Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting strategies to ensure that ALL students can make outstanding progress and are prepared for the next stage of education, training or employment (See Quality of Education above) Review and revise systems and support in place so that staff are able to help reduce student absence across the school and in key groups Continue to tackle causes of under performance of our disadvantaged students and ensure that robust strategies and interventions are in place so that the difference in performance no longer remains significant
Categories of Governors Parents including carers of students are eligible to stand for election as governors. Other parents at the school elect parent governors. If insufficient parents stand for election the governing body may appoint parent governors. There are four positions for elected parent governors at Dorothy Stringer. Staff Governors Richard Bradford the Headteacher is a staff governor by virtue of his office. Other staff both teaching and support may become a staff governor as long as they are paid (volunteers do not qualify). The school staff elects one staff governor to the Governing Body. Local Authority Governors The Local Authority appoint highly skilled and experienced governors to schools to provide support to schools irrespective of any political affiliation or preference. The Local Authority recommend appointment of one Local Authority to the Governing Body. Co-opted Governors The Full Governing Body appoint a number of governors based on the skills and experience that they can bring to support the existing governors and/or to represent the local community. There are eight positions for co-opted governors at Dorothy Stringer.
Governing Body Membership Mick Baker Co-opted Governor Jane Dickson Parent Governor Alison Frost Co-opted Governor Les Gunbie Co-opted Governor Vanessa Hickey Parent Governor Reg Hook Co-opted Governor Matt Hillier Headteacher/Staff Governor Jennifer John Co-opted Governor Dick Knight Co-opted Governor Millie Mc. Devitt Co-opted Governor Jane Pegler Co-opted Governor Jenny Poore Co-opted Governor Rosie Reekie Parent Governor Bronagh Shevlin Staff Governor Haydn Stride Parent Governor Derek Swindells Teresa Dee Clerk to Governors Local Authority Governor
Terms of Office Governor Type Start of Term End of Term Appointed By Mick Baker Co-opted 31/7/18 30/6/22 Governing Body Jane Dickson Parent 26/11/18 25/11/22 Elected by Parents Alison Frost Co-opted 26/3/17 25/3/21 Governing Body Les Gunbie Co-opted 7/7/18 6/7/22 Governing Body Vanessa Hickey Parent 16/4/18 15/4/22 Elected by Parents Matt Hillier Headteacher 1/9/2019 N/A Ex Offico Reg Hook Co-opted 1/7/18 30/6/22 Governing Body Jennifer John Co-opted 1/7/18 30/6/22 Governing Body Dick Knight Co-opted 18/1/20 17/1/24 Governing Body Millie Mc. Devitt Co-opted 18/1/20 17/1/24 Governing Body Jane Peglet Co-opted 20/1/20 19/1/24 Governing Body Jenny Poore Co-opted 1/7/18 30/6/22 Governing Body Rosie Reekie Parent 16/4/18 15/4/22 Elected by Parents Bronagh Shevlin Staff 23/11/16 22/11/20 Elected by Staff Haydn Stride Parent 26/11/18 25/11/22 Elected by Parents Derek Swindells Local Authority 1/7/18 30/6/22 Local Authority Recommendation
Previous Governors – Past 12 Months g Type Start of Term End of Term Appointed By Sue Middleton Associate Member 14/9/15 13/9/19 Governing Body Richard Bradford Headteacher 1/9/11 31/8/19 Ex Officio
Governing Body Structure Full Governing Body Business Group Pay Panel Individual Governors Headteacher Review Panel
School Development Governor Links School Development Area Linked Governors Quality of Education (Intent) Jane Dickson, Jennifer John, Haydn Stride Quality of Education (Implementation) Jane Dickson, Jennifer John, Haydn Stride Quality of Education (Impact) Jane Dickson , Les Gunbie, Jennifer John, Haydn Stride. Behaviour & Attitudes Les Gunbie, Jennifer John, Millie Mc. Devitt Personal Development Jennifer John, Derek Swindell, Millie Mc. Devitt Leadership & Management Les Gunbie, Jennifer John, Dick Knight, Jenny Poore, millie Mc. Devitt
Governing Body Infrastucture Operational Areas Lead Governors Buildings & Resources Reg Hook, Derek Swindells, Community Dick Knight, Bronagh Shevlin Data – Student Attainment and Progress Haydn Stride Environment Les Gunbie Equality & Diversity Les Gunbie , Jennifer John Finance/Business/Health & Safety Mick Baker, Reg Hook, Derek Swindells Fundraising Dick Knight, Jane Dickson Governor Development, Recruitment & Evaluation Jenny Poore, Mick Baker, Teresa Dee Performance, Pay & Staffing Jenny Poore Disadvantaged Students Alison Frost, Les Gunbie Safeguarding Alison Frost Special Educational Needs Jennifer John Statutory Matters including GDPR Jenny Poore
Core Business Meeting Dates Date of Meeting Focus of Meeting 30 th September 2019 Quality of Education 20 th January 2020 Behaviour & attitudes 4 th May 2020 Personal Development 6 th July 2020 Leadership & Management
Strategic Priorities and Projects Meetings Dates Scheduled 11 th November 2019 9 th March 2020 15 th June 2020
Business Group Meetings Dates Scheduled 9 th September 2019 6 th January 2020 20 th April 2020 22 nd June 2020
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