Diffusion Models Arianna Brown Block 4 What is

Diffusion Models Arianna Brown Block- 4

What is diffusion? o Ø Ø Ø o Diffusion is the process by which a characteristic spreads across space from one place to another over time. (Spatial Interaction) Today, ideas are diffused rapidly through to other areas through sophisticated communications and transportation networks. People in multiple regions may develop or and adapt an idea at the same time but in different ways. Interaction in the contemporary world is complex as a result of diffusion. There are two general types of diffusion- expansion and relocation.

Expansion Diffusion ◦ The spread of a feature or trend among people from one area to another in a snowballing process… a way that the number of those influenced grows continuously larger, resulting in an expanding area od adoption. ØSpreads from one idea or trait to another ◦ Stays strong in the core or hearth ◦ Three processes: ØContagious Diffusion ØHierarchical Diffusion ØStimulus Diffusion

Contagious Diffusion o o o The spread of an idea, trait, or concept through a group of people or an area equally without regard to social class, economic position, or power. This form of diffusion is analogous to the spread of a contagious disease, such as a flu epidemic. Another example would be the rapid adoption throughout the United States of AIDS prevention methods and new medicines because people who have access to the web throughout the world have access to the same material at the same time.

Contagious Diffusion Cont.

Hierarchical Diffusion o Ø o Ø Ø The spread of an idea from persons or nodes of authority or power to other persons or places. Urban areas to other urban areas and then spread to surrounding areas. May result from the spread of innovations from political leaders, socially elite people, or other important persons to others in the community. Wealthy people to middle class to low class Ideas may also come from a particular node or place or power and diffuse later to isolated rural areas. Hip-hop/ rap music High-end fashion trends

Hierarchical Diffusion Cont.

Stimulus Diffusion o Ø Ø The spread of an underlying principal, even though the new groups change your idea. Involves the transfer of an underlying concept or idea, without the specific accompanying traits due to some cultural or other barrier to the movement of the idea. Examples of other countries taking an idea and changing it to fit their culture or lifestyle are: Mc. Donalds in India- “Maharaja Mac” Variety of flavors of Coca Cola all around the world

Stimulus Diffusion Cont.

Relocation Diffusion o o o Ø The spread of an idea through physical movement of people from one place to another. Gets weaker in the core or hearth When people migrate from other regions of the world they carry their culture, such as language, religion, and ethnicity along with them. The most common languages spoken in North America and South America are Spanish, English, Portuguese, and French mainly because Europeans who spoke those languages compromised the largest number of immigrants hundreds of years ago.

Relocation Diffusion Cont.
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