Different Reading Techniques And When To Use Them

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Different Reading Techniques And When To Use Them

INTRODUCTION O Profa. Quetzalide Martínez O Cel: 68034112 O E-mail: marelm 0206@gmail. com

International’s Women Day

Motivational quote

The four main types of reading techniques are the following: O Skimming O Scanning O Intensive O Extensive

Skimming What is skimming?

Skimming Running the eyes over quickly, to get the gist

Scanning What is scanning?

Scanning Looking for a particular piece of information.

Extensive reading What is extensive reading?

Extensive reading Longer texts for pleasure and needing global understanding.

Intensive reading What is intensive reading?

Intensive reading Shorter texts, extracting specific information, accurate reading for detail.

O Skimming - running the eyes over quickly, to O O get the gist Scanning - looking for a particular piece of information Extensive reading - longer texts for pleasure and needing global understanding Intensive reading - shorter texts, extracting specific information, accurate reading for detail. http: //www. learningtolearn. group. shef. ac. uk/re ad/read_difkind_task. html

O The ‘What’s On’ section of the local paper: a. Skimming b. Scanning c. Extensive d. Intensive

A novel Skimming b. Scanning c. Extensive d. Intensive a.

A newspaper Skimming b. Scanning c. Extensive d. Intensive a.

Find the topic sentences

Guessing meaning from context (new words)

Guessing meaning from context (new words) O Literal meaning O Figurative meaning
While reading activities
If you can t beat them join them
What makes them different?
What makes them different
Type of reading
Characteristics of intensive reading
Applied overhead formula
What are the aims of teaching reading?
Real definition of extensive reading
What is intensive reading
Fonctions techniques
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Descriptive techniques
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Sound will travel at different speeds in different mediums.
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Cultural relativism
Different angle different story