Developments in Dar alIslam Global Tapestry 1200 1450

Developments in Dar al-Islam Global Tapestry 1200 -1450 Essential Question: How did Islamic states arise, and how did major religious systems shape society?

Context � Islam � Muhammad: founder of Islam 622 CE � Abbasid Caliphate: empire centered in Baghdad, continued to be the center of the Islamic World (Dar al-Islam) � House of Wisdom: center of learning— advanced scientific, math, art, and culture � South & S. E. Asia � Islam , Hindu and Buddhism mix � Maritime Trade network centers (IOTN)

GOV: Invasions and Trade Shifts � Abbasid caliphate continued to be attracted 1200� * Mamluks in Egypt � * Seljuks take Baghdad, but convert to Islam � *Crusaders from Europe invade Jerusalem, repelled � *Mongols END Caliphate in 1258, but repelled by Mamluks � Effect: Dar al-Islam ends, fragments into 3 Islamic empires � Long distant trade networks in disarray

Culture & Social Life � Continuities: diffusion of ideas � Innovations: “golden age” � * Nasiral-Din al-Tusi scholar in astronomy, medicine: founded trigonometry � * A’ishah al-Ba’uniyyah –female poet � * Sufis spread a syncretic form of Islam in India � Commerce, Class, and Diversity � Islamic merchants controlled most of the Silk Roads and 2/3 of the IOTN creating a diverse, wealthy culture

� Slavery: imported from Africa via the Trans-Saharan Trade Route; mostly women for concubines/harems � Free Women: had more rights than most other culture’s women, but isolated from politics � Veil and harem symbolic of Patriarchy

Islam in Africa & Spain � ECON & CULT: Trade spreads Islam to Sub-Saharan Africa • West African empires of Mali and Songhai: University at Timbuktu • East Africa city-states mix Bantu and Arabic to create trade language Swahili • Zanj: Islamic East Africa- major zone of the IOTN Spain: Al-Andalus empire centered at culturally rich Cordoba—largest library in world, beautiful mosque “City of Light” * Toleration of “People of the Book”

Developments in South and Southeast Asia 1200 -1450 � GOV- Political Structures Fragmentation due to geography, led to REGIONAL kingdoms (demonstration…) Southern India: Vijayanagara Empire: Hindu kingdom 13361646 Northern India: Continuity: Hindu princes ruled many Rajput kingdoms Change: Islamic Delhi Sultanate ruled over Rajs

Religion � Hinduism dominated, especially within its Caste System � Islam was a universifying religion, spread through proselytizing; popular with Buddhists, lowborn Hindus; helped Delhi Sultans rule India SOC Gender—no great changes: women still had little opportunity Comparison: Sati—high-class widows expected to jump into funeral pyre of husband (foot-binding, harem)
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