Developmentally Appropriate Practices Five Guidelines For Developmentally Appropriate
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Developmentally Appropriate Practices
Five Guidelines For Developmentally Appropriate Practices
1. Creating a Caring Community of Learners 5. Establishing Reciprocal Relationships with Families 4. Assessing Children’s Learning and Development 2. Teaching to enhance development and learning 3. Constructing Appropriate Curriculum
5. Establishing Reciprocal Relationships with Families
Establishing Reciprocal Relationships with Families • Reciprocal Relationships require mutual respect, cooperation, and shared responsibility. DAP Example: DIP Example: Caregivers listen carefully to what parents say about their children and seek to understand parents’ goals and preferences. Teachers communicate only with parents about problems or conflicts, or they avoid difficult issues rather than resolving them.
Establishing Reciprocal Relationships with Families • Teachers establish and maintain regular, frequent contact with parents. DAP Example: DIP Example: Teachers solicit and incorporate parents’ knowledge about heir children into ongoing assessment, evaluation, and planning procedures. Teachers plan all curriculum and activities without the input of parents. All lessons are planned without having contact with them.
Establishing Reciprocal Relationships with Families • Parents are welcome to come and participate in the program as well as decision making. DAP Example: DIP Example: Parents are welcome in the program, and home visits by teachers are encouraged. Teachers view parents’ visits to the program as intrusive and discourage parents from visiting by saying such things as, “He’d be better behaved if you’d leave. ”
Establishing Reciprocal Relationships with Families • Teachers respect parents decisions and choices for their children. DAP Example: DIP Example: Teachers listen to parents, seek to understand their goals and preferences for their children, and respect cultural and family differences. Parents view teachers as the only experts and feel isolated from their child’s experiences.
Establishing Reciprocal Relationships with Families • Teachers work with parents, programs, social service, health agencies and consultants who may have educational responsibility for the child. DAP Example: DIP Example: Teachers and administrators view parents, social service, and health agencies as partners in the educational process. Subtle messages convey that schools are for teachers and children, not parents or other support.
Class Activity for Establishing Reciprocal Relationships with Families Puppets and Dramatic Play 1. Create a paper sack puppet 2. Choose a group of 5 students. Pick a fairy tale or well known story. Using the supplies provided, create the characters in the story. 2. Perform with your group 3. Find another group from the class and perform your puppet show for them, using your paper sack puppets.
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