Developing A Thesis Statement And Thesis Proposal Paper

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Developing A Thesis Statement And Thesis Proposal Paper

Developing A Thesis Statement And Thesis Proposal Paper

Definition of Thesis �A main statement, idea or opinion that you are going to

Definition of Thesis �A main statement, idea or opinion that you are going to maintain or prove

Thesis Statement �A full statement, usually one sentence, that summarizes (a) the main statement

Thesis Statement �A full statement, usually one sentence, that summarizes (a) the main statement idea or opinion of an essay or a research paper AND (b) the method of development (MOD) of the paper �Adding (b) extends thesis statement �Your MOD is a method/structure that develops your thesis using

Primary Source Development of thesis Your own, including Main Points DATA ARGUMENT Secondary Source

Primary Source Development of thesis Your own, including Main Points DATA ARGUMENT Secondary Source

MOD (Method of Development) �For this paper, you are using the POINT/PROOF/EXPLAIN/ELABORAT E MOD

MOD (Method of Development) �For this paper, you are using the POINT/PROOF/EXPLAIN/ELABORAT E MOD structure �Decide # of Main Points you are making �You decide how to further structure it: �Chronological order as per the novel? �Order of importance or effect? �Personal preference (plot first, then setting? )

Extending the Thesis �Take your main statement you intend to develop �Add a summary

Extending the Thesis �Take your main statement you intend to develop �Add a summary phrase/clause of your MOD to the front OR to the end of it �Example: �Main statement Brave New World demonstrates the dual-sided nature of technology

Extending the Thesis cont �KNOW your MOD ( in this case, I have six

Extending the Thesis cont �KNOW your MOD ( in this case, I have six main points, three of which show the new world’s tech entertains, keeps everyone good looking and reduces anxiety about aging, and three of which show it distorts truth, creates slaves and destroys individuality) �Summarize the MOD into a phrase/clause �Try “the new world’s technology both maintains people’s happiness, but at the cost of their freedom and humanity”

TWO THESIS STATEMENTS �Brave New World demonstrates the dual-sided nature of technology, since the

TWO THESIS STATEMENTS �Brave New World demonstrates the dual-sided nature of technology, since the new world’s technology both maintains people’s happiness, but at the cost of their freedom and humanity �Since the new world’s technology maintains people’s happiness, but at the cost of their freedom and humanity, Brave New World demonstrates the dual-sided nature of technology itself.

Extension rules �Avoid too long a phrase or clause (makes your statement clumsy) �Save

Extension rules �Avoid too long a phrase or clause (makes your statement clumsy) �Save the details for earlier and later in the paper �Use a good connector between your main statement and your extension Because, since, through, by attaching (a) to (b), due to, and so on

Thesis Proposal �Lists your Main Points, in order, that you will be using in

Thesis Proposal �Lists your Main Points, in order, that you will be using in your MOD �Don’t worry – your structure/order can change later! �Gives the Primary Source quotes you will use as proofs (at least 3 per main point) �Gives page numbers for each quote �Lists secondary sources, in MLA citation order, that you intend to use