Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns 1 Demonstrative Adjectives n

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Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

1. Demonstrative Adjectives n Demonstrative Adjectives tell where someone or something is located in

1. Demonstrative Adjectives n Demonstrative Adjectives tell where someone or something is located in relation to yourself. n They must agree in number and gender with the noun they modify. n They come before the noun. n In English, the demonstrative adjectives are this, that, these, and those.

2. Demonstrative Ajectives Close to the speaker Singular Masculine este (this) Feminine esta (this)

2. Demonstrative Ajectives Close to the speaker Singular Masculine este (this) Feminine esta (this) Away from the speaker Singular Masculine ese (that) Feminine esa (that) Plural estos (these) estas (these) Plural esos (those) esas (those) Far from the speaker Singular Plural Masculine aquel (that over there) aquellos (those over there) Feminine aquella (that over there) aquellas (those over there)

3. Demonstrative Adjectives n When objects are nearby use… Este lápiz _____ This pencil

3. Demonstrative Adjectives n When objects are nearby use… Este lápiz _____ This pencil Estos lápices _____ These pencils Esta casa _____ Estas casas _____ This house These houses

4. Demonstrative Adjectives n When objects are away use… Ese lápiz _____ That pencil

4. Demonstrative Adjectives n When objects are away use… Ese lápiz _____ That pencil Esos lápices _____ Those pencils Esa casa _____ Esas casas _____ That house Thoses houses

5. Demonstrative Adjectives When objects are farthest away use Aquel lápiz That pencil (over

5. Demonstrative Adjectives When objects are farthest away use Aquel lápiz That pencil (over there) Aquellos lápices Those pencils (over there) Aquella casa Aquellas casas That casa (over there) those houses (over there)

6. A. this pencil that pencil (over there) este lápiz _____ ese lápiz _____

6. A. this pencil that pencil (over there) este lápiz _____ ese lápiz _____ aquel lápiz ______ B. these pencils those pencils (over there) estos lápices _______ esos lápices _____lápices aquellos _______ C. This house that house (over there) esta _____ casa esa _____ casa aquella _____ casa D. These houses those houses Those houses (over there) _____ casas estas _____ casas esas _____ casas aquellas

Demonstrative Adjectives n Examples: Este 1. ____ carro es azul. -This car is blue.

Demonstrative Adjectives n Examples: Este 1. ____ carro es azul. -This car is blue. Esa 2. ____ tarea es fácil. -That homework is easy. Aquellos 3. ____chicos son altos. -Those boys (over there) are tall. Estos 4. _____libros son grandes. -These books are big.

7. Demonstrative Pronouns • They are used in place of the noun. • They

7. Demonstrative Pronouns • They are used in place of the noun. • They must agree in number and gender with the noun they modify. Close to the speaker Singular Masculine éste (this one) Feminine ésta (this one) Away from the speaker Singular Masculine ése (that one) Feminine ésa (that one) Plural éstos (these) éstas (these) Plural ésos (those) ésas (those) Far from the speaker Singular Plural Masculine aquél (that one over there) aquéllos (those over there) Feminine aquélla (that one over there) aquéllas (those over there)

8. Demonstrative Pronouns n Examples: 1. This (carro) is new. -___________ Éste es nuevo.

8. Demonstrative Pronouns n Examples: 1. This (carro) is new. -___________ Éste es nuevo. 2. These (zapatos) are old. Éstos son viejos. -___________ 3. Those (clases) are fun. Ésas son divertidas. -___________ 4. Those (chicos) over there are handsome. Aquéllos son guapos. -___________

9. Practicamos un poco Esos (those) anillos son caros, pero 1. ____ éstos _____

9. Practicamos un poco Esos (those) anillos son caros, pero 1. ____ éstos _____ (these) son más baratos. este 2. ¿Cuánto cuesta _____ (this) anillo? aquél ¿Cuánto cuesta _____ (that one over there)? esa 3. No me gusta _____ (that) blusa. Prefiero ésta ______ (this one). aquellas (those over there) gatas son 4. _____ ésta bonitas, pero ______ (this one) es más bonita.