Democracy is Political Cartoon 1 Title democracy Artist
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Democracy is…. .
Political Cartoon #1 Title: democracy Artist: Petar Pismestrovic, Kleine Zeitung, Austria Date: February 2, 2005
Characteristics of democracy l List 6 characteristics of democracy.
Characteristics of Democracy Govt. by and for the people Majority rule Everyone equal under the law DEMOCRACY Rights of the individual protected Freedom Elected representatives carry out the people’s will
Democracy is …. a system of government in which the people rule either directly or through elected representatives
Direct (Pure) Democracy A form of democracy in which the people as a whole make direct decisions, rather than having those decisions made for them by elected representatives n n Referendum Recall
What problems can arise from a direct democracy system? http: //www. thedailyshow. com/watch/ mon-december-5 -2011/california-sdirect-democracy-troubles
Representative Democracy Reasons it was preferred by Founders: 1. Government would mediate, not mirror popular views. 2. People viewed as capricious. 3. Competitive elections would minimize abuse of power.
The question with representative democracy becomes: Who governs? How much power should “they” have? Power: the ability of one person to cause another to act in accordance with his/her intentions. Authority: right to use power, not all who have political power have the authority to do so. Legitimacy: What makes a law or constitution a source of right.
How is power distributed in the America system? Majoritarian Politics vs. Elitism Majoritarian- leaders constrained to follow wishes of the people. Vs. Elitism- rule is by people who possess a disproportionate share of power. 4 Theories of Elitist view.
Elitist Power Theories Marxist theory: (Marx) government is a reflection of the means of production, government controlled by the dominant class (capitalists. ) Power Elite Theory: (C. Wright Mills) power elite composed of key corporate, military, media, labor union, and political leaders control and are served by the government
Elite Power Theories Bureaucratic View- (Max Weber) power is in the hands of appointed officials who exercise power when deciding how public laws are enforced or enacted. Pluralist- no single elite has monopoly on power, all elites bargain and compromise.
American Democracy: Basic Ideals & Principles Brainstorm five basic founding ideas
American Democracy: Basic Ideals & Principles I: Popular Consent (popular sovereignty) government derives its power from the consent of the people
American Democracy: Basic Ideals & Principles II: Respect for the Individual each person has the right to reach their own potential all entitled to “certain unalienable rights”
American Democracy: Basic Ideals & Principles III: Equality of Opportunity “all men are created equal” What kinds of equality should the government guarantee? Political? Economic? Social?
American Democracy: Basic Ideals & Principles IV: Personal Liberty “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” self-determination
American Democracy: Basic Ideals & Principles V: Rule of Law “a government of laws and not of men” safeguard of liberty
So, just how democratic are we?
Artist: Stephane Peray, Thailand Date: August 10, 2005
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