Declaration of Rights of Man and of the

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Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen Activity. Example of Part 2

Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen Activity. Example of Part 2 Directions: Look through the document. Part 1: Close Reading: Highlight 3 sentences that are similar to the ideas of the Enlightenment thinkers (Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Hobbes) 17. Summary – Property is very important to be people. Therefore, you cannot take away property from the people unless you pay for it. Part 2: On the back side: Pick 5 out of the 17 statements that YOU believe to the MOST important in this document. Write a summary for each of the 5 and state 1 reason why it is important. Reason – It is one of the most important because if you take away a person’s property, you are taking away their happiness. If you take away their happiness, you are taking away their rights.

Mob Party Each person is given a blue or a red card. DO NOT

Mob Party Each person is given a blue or a red card. DO NOT SHOW YOUR CARD TO ANYONE! Blue Cards Two Captains – Their goal is to make the biggest group possible. Whoever has the bigger group out of the two captains wins. At the end of the timer, if you have any red cards in your group you LOSE! Red Cards You must infiltrate one of the blue groups. If you are not in the group at the end of the timer, you LOSE! How do you know who is red? Use your Gut/Intuition/Lie Detector Skills!!

Journal 9/15/2015 What did you think about the Mob Party game? How does this

Journal 9/15/2015 What did you think about the Mob Party game? How does this game help you understand the French Revolution? (2 -3 complete sentences)

Establishment of the new Constitution 1791 • Features • Legislative Assembly • • Power

Establishment of the new Constitution 1791 • Features • Legislative Assembly • • Power to create laws Power to approve/reject declarations of war • Constitutional Monarchy • • Still a King in place King had power of veto, nothing else • This constitution only lasted 1 year.

Two Factions Emerge • Girondins • very moderate • In the “middle” • Were

Two Factions Emerge • Girondins • very moderate • In the “middle” • Were in power after the overthrow of the Govt • Jacobins • Extreme, radical • Pushed political violence. • Wanted a Republic Jacobins would rise to power after the Constitution failed in 1792

Paranoia of War • Great Monarchies of Austria and Prussia declare war on France

Paranoia of War • Great Monarchies of Austria and Prussia declare war on France • Emigres – people who are loyal to the crown free France. • Must put King Louis XVI back in power or ELSE • Legislative Assembly declares war • Institute a Republic • Monarchy is ABOLISHED • Growing hate for royalists • Change their name again…. National Convention (Legislative Assembly)

Violence in France • August 1792 – Angry mob storms Tuileries Palace and imprison

Violence in France • August 1792 – Angry mob storms Tuileries Palace and imprison King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette • Louis is tried and convicted for Treason • September Massacres (1792) • Fear of the armies would free prisoners to fight for their side • Wave of killings, targeting prisoners

King Louis XVI dies by Guillotine January 1793

King Louis XVI dies by Guillotine January 1793

Journal 9/16/2015 Video Clip How is the guillotine a humane (appropriate) way to execute

Journal 9/16/2015 Video Clip How is the guillotine a humane (appropriate) way to execute someone? What do you think about it? Do you think the guillotine is appropriate for human execution? Why or why not? (3 -5 Sentences)

Jacobins come into power Maximilien Robespierre (leader) • Committee of Public Safety – created

Jacobins come into power Maximilien Robespierre (leader) • Committee of Public Safety – created to protect the revolution from suspected “enemies”. Reign of Terror (July 1793 – July 1794) • • Executing all who are suspected sympathizers to the Monarchies. Will execute 40, 000 people by guillotine

Eventual Downfall of the Jacobins Robespierre will eventually be a victim of the guillotine

Eventual Downfall of the Jacobins Robespierre will eventually be a victim of the guillotine as well The people of France turn on the Jacobins. Last remaining Girondins control National Convention Create new Constiution Bicameral Legislature Directory (5 members) Executive Power Fails Utterly and is quickly overtaken by….