De Stijl De Stijl Theo van Doesburg Painter

De Stijl `

De Stijl

Theo van Doesburg Painter, writer, poet, architect and founder/leader of De Stijl Theo van Doesburg was born as Christian Emil Marie Küpper on 30 August 1883 in Utrecht as the son of the photographer Wilhelm Küpper and Henrietta Catherina Margadant. After a short training in acting and singing he decided to become a painter. Although he considered himself to be a modern painter at that time, his early work is in line with the Amsterdam Impressionists and is influenced by Vincent van Gogh, both in style and subject matter. This suddenly changed in 1913 after reading Wassily Kandinsky's Rückblicke, in which he looks back at his life as a painter from 1903– 1913. It made him realize there was a higher, more spiritual level in painting that originates from the mind rather than from everyday life, and that

De Stijl also known as neoplasticism, was a Dutch artistic movement founded in 1917. sought to express a new utopian ideal of spiritual harmony and order. Artist of the movement advocated pure abstraction and universality, by a reduction to the essentials of form and color. They simplified visual compositions to the vertical and horizontal directions, and used only primary colors along with black and white.

De Stijl The name is supposedly derived from Gottfried Semper's Der Stil which was mistakenly believed to advocate materialism and functionalism. What it directly translates to is “The Style”. In general, De Stijl proposed ultimate simplicity and abstraction, both in architecture and painting. The works avoided symmetry and attained aesthetic balance by the use of opposition. This element of the movement embodies the second meaning of stijl; a post, or support; this is best demonstrated by The Style the construction of crossing joints, most commonly seen in carpentry. The Style

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