CUI 1865 Raleigh is surrendered to Union forces

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CUI 1865 - Raleigh is surrendered to Union forces, and the Battle of Morrisville

CUI 1865 - Raleigh is surrendered to Union forces, and the Battle of Morrisville begins. This Week in NCNG History 2007 - SGT Brandon Wallace and SGT Joshua Schmit are KIA by an IED in Fallujah, Iraq. 1865 - A detachment of Union General George Stoneman’s force occupied Lincolnton, crossed into South Carolina, and burned a railroad bridge over the Catawba River further suffocating the last remaining Confederate holdouts in North Carolina. 1776 - The Fourth Provincial Congress of North Carolina passes the Halifax Resolves, officially endorsing independence from Great Britain. 12 APRIL 1945 - The 30 th ID liberates a train carrying 2, 500 Jewish prisoners from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. 13 APRIL 14 APRIL 15 APRIL 16 APRIL 1865 - 80 men of the Burke County Home Guard under Col. T. G. Walton fought two brigades of Union cavalry for some time before being outflanked at Rocky Ford near Morganton. 1864 - The Battle of Plymouth begins in Washington County. The battle is remembered as the single most effective Confederate combined -arms victory of the war, and ended with the surrender of the Union garrison three days later. 17 APRIL 1945 - 30 th Infantry Division captures the city of Magdeburg, one of the easternmost penetrations in the 9 th Army Sector. 18 APRIL 2008 - SGT Lance Eakes is killed by IDF in Baghdad. 1865 - Battle of Morrisville ends. It would be the final large -scale confrontation between conventional armies in North Carolina. CUI