Creation Stories • Creation Stories contain personal faiths and beliefs of people about where they came from • They include stories about: – the formation of the world – The creation of other features of the worldfor e. g. people and animals
• Creation stories can teach us a lot about a culture and how people see themselves and their relationship with God • They usually start with emptiness and move through the action of a creator towards order and harmony
Genesis – The Beginning 1: 1 -2: 4
Day 1 Light is separated from darkness: there is day and night Day 2 The separation of ‘the heavens’ (Earth’s atmosphere) +
Day 3 Land seas are separated and the ‘making’ begins Plants and trees Day 4 Sun, moon and stars +
Day 5 Sea creatures and birds Day 6 Land animals People Day 7 Creation completed! God rests +
Important Themes • The origin of the world and life was no accident: there is a Creator – God • God made everything • And all that God made was good
• People are special: they alone are made in God’s ‘likeness’ and given charge over everything • God’s six ‘days’ of creative activity + one ‘day’ of rest = pattern for working life
God is…
You Tube Indescribable http: //youtu. be/7 -z. JHgao. Va 4 God's Creation according to Genesis http: //youtu. be/ean_a. MNk. Ag. M