Country report current development in Sweden Jerker Mostrm

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Country report - current development in Sweden Jerker Moström Statistics Sweden facebook. com/statisticssweden @SCB_nyheter

Country report - current development in Sweden Jerker Moström Statistics Sweden facebook. com/statisticssweden @SCB_nyheter

International § UN GGIM § Bengt Kjellson Chair of UN GGIM Europe § Statistics

International § UN GGIM § Bengt Kjellson Chair of UN GGIM Europe § Statistics Sweden and Lantmäteriet participating in WG A and WG B § Marie Haldorson chair of sub-group (WG B) § GEOSTAT 2 project § Statistics Sweden project coordinator § Eurostat task force for integration of geography & statistics § Importance of international cooperation promoted in our new strategy GISCO working group meeting 2015 2

National § Movements in open data § Lantmäteriet has released small scale topographic data

National § Movements in open data § Lantmäteriet has released small scale topographic data § More data will be free of charge next year § Statistics Sweden will release delimitations of localities as open data (next round of delimitation 2016) § Plans to release all data within current responsibility of INSPIRE free of charge § ”Hack for Sweden” No 2 successfully organised § INSPIRE § New Act and Ordinance on spatial information (probably during 2016). Might be a change of obligations regarding Statistics Sweden GISCO working group meeting 2015 3

Internal stuff 1 § Management § Initiative for increasing spatial accuracy in registers (goals

Internal stuff 1 § Management § Initiative for increasing spatial accuracy in registers (goals and measures for spatial quality etc) § Increased accounting for spatiality in The Generic Statistical Business Process Model § Reseller agreement for spatial statistics – new kind of cooperation with private companies

Internal stuff 2 § Development § A new division for the low regional level

Internal stuff 2 § Development § A new division for the low regional level - Substitute for/complement to SAMS (Small Areas for Market Statistics) § Revision of methods for delimitation of localities § Enhancing transport statistics with AIS data (Big Data initiative) § Land accounting § Newly published (highly recognized) official statistics retrieved from geospatial data § Islands (number of islands, population etc) § Statistics on urban green areas