Core customer value Actual product Augmented product Convenience

- Slides: 21

大綱 • �品 (服務, 體驗)定義 – 核心�品 (Core customer value) – 實際�品 (Actual product) – 增強�品 (Augmented product) • 消費�品分類 – 便利品 (Convenience product) – 選購品 (Shopping product) – 特殊品 (Specialty product) – 冷門品 (Unsought product) 2 • �品�容決策 – – – �品屬性 (Product attributes) 品牌 (Branding) 包裝 (Packaging) 標示 (Labeling) 支援服務 (Product support services) • �品線與�品 組合

產品定義-1 -1 • 滿足消費者需求與慾望之任何事物 (A Product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption and that might satisfy a want or need. ) 3

消費產品分類-1 • 消費品 (consumer goods) 分類 • 便利品 (convenience goods): – 日常用品 (staple goods) – 衝動購買品 (impulse goods) – 緊急用品 (emergency goods) • 選購品 (shopping goods) • 特殊品 (specialty goods) • 冷門品 (unsought goods) 6

消費產品分類-2 • 便利品 (convenience goods): customer usually buys frequently, immediately, and with a minimum comparison and buying effort – 日常用品 (staple goods): 豆漿、吐司、報紙 – 衝動購買品 (impulse goods): 收銀台附近陳列品 – 緊急用品 (emergency goods) 7

消費產品分類-3 • 選購品 (shopping goods): products and services that the customer compares carefully on suitability, quality, price, and style – 家具 – 汽車 – 家電用品 8

消費產品分類-4 • 特殊品 (specialty goods): products and services with unique characteristics or brand identification for which a significant group of buyers is willing to make a special purchase effort – 醫療服務 – 設計師服飾 – 高端電子產品 9

消費產品分類-5 • 冷門品 (unsought goods): products that the consumer does not know about or knows about but does not normally think of buying – 人壽保險 10

產品內容-1 • 產品屬性 • 品質 (quality) – 品質水準 (performance quality) – 品質一致性 (conformance quality) • 功能 (features): a competitive tool for differentiating a product from competitors’ products • 樣式與設計 (style and design) – 外觀 – 性能與外觀 12

產品內容-2 • 品牌元素 (brand elements) – 品牌名稱 (brand name) – 品牌標誌 (brand mark) • • 13 Even fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and poultry are branded– Sunkist oranges, Fyffes bananas, Horizon Organic milk, OAO chickens Branding helps the seller to segment markets— Toyota, Lexus, Scion

版權聲明 頁碼 14 21 作品 版權圖示 來源 / 作者 Wikimedia commons / Tbjornstad http: //commons. wikimedia. org/wiki/File: Ketchup. Heinz. Mex. jpg 本作品屬公共領域之著作。瀏覽日期: 2013/04/24。
Mkt 600
Core actual augmented
Products services and brands building customer value
Difference between actual yield and theoretical yield
Actual sin and actual grace
Relationship retailing
Convenience concepts customer service
Augmented product example
Contoh value creation adalah
Managing marketing information
Customer relationship management and customer intimacy
Perbedaan customer relation dan customer service
Beyond customer satisfaction to customer loyalty
Customer relationship management and customer intimacy
An expanded model of the marketing process
Inner core and outer core
What is the crust
Layers of earth from most dense to least dense
Core capabilities and core rigidities
Value proposition canvas
Ltv starbucks