Contents Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Biography Sir Arthur

Contents Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Biography Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Complete Works

Name Born Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle 22 May 1859 Edinburgh, Scotland Died 7 July 1930 (aged 71) Crowborough, East Sussex, England Occupation Novelist, short story writer, poet, physician Scottish British Detective fiction, fantasy, science fiction, historical novels, nonfiction Nationality Citizenship Genres Notable Signature page 1 Stories of Sherlock Holmes, The Lost World

Arthur Conan Doyle was born 22 May 1859 in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh. His father Charles E. Doyle was an artist and architect by profession. He drank a lot and earned little. He died young and the Doyles were poor. Arthur 4 years page 2

After leaving school Conan Doyle became a student of the medical faculty at the university of Edinburgh. Arthur worked as an assistant pharmacist to help his family. As the ship's doctor he traveled to the Arctic and West Africa. page 3

He began his medical practice in a small English town Southsea. His spare time he devoted literature. In August 1885 he married Louise Hawkins a sister of one of his rare patients. They had two children Mary Louise and Kingsley and strongly encouraged him to persevere in literature. page 4

In 1887, he wrote his first detective story "A Study in Scarlet". The main characters were Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. page 5

In December 1899 the Anglo-Boer War began. Conan Doyle went to Africa as a military doctor. Then he wrote a book "The Great Boer War". In 1902 King Edward VII gave Arthur Conan Doyle knightly name and the title "Sir". page 6

1894. Family portrait. page 7 Arthur Conan Doyle Foyle Mary, the mother of the writer Conan Doyle's first wife Louise

Jean Leckie was Doyle's second wife in 1906. page 8

"Andershou" is a house of Arthur Conan Doyle in the countryside Hayndhede. The writer lived here for ten years. These were the years of his creative career and popularity. page 9

Beside detective stories Conan Doyle also wrote historic novels. His two fantastic stories “The lost world” (1912) and “The Poison Belt” (1913) were quite successful. page 10

All his life Conan Doyle liked sport. He skied, played golf and went in for boxing. page 11

Writer and his family traveled a lot. page 12

Arthur Conan Doyle died in July 7 in 1930. He was buried in Minstead Hampshire. page 13

Doyle statue in Crowborough, East Sussex. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Chronology read page 14

Conan Doyle wrote his first story about Sherlock Holmes in 1887. In this story the detective met his friend Dr. Watson. Holmes and Watson lived at 221 -В Baker Street in London. page 1

Adventures of Sherlock Holmes had four novels: "A Study in Scarlet" (1887), "The Sign of Four" (1890), "Hound of the Baskervilles", "The Valley of Fear" – and five collections of short stories, the most famous of which – "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (1892), "Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" (1894) and "The Return of Sherlock Holmes" (1905). page 2

The popularity of Sherlock Holmes and his faithful companion and biographer Dr. Watson became a legend, the center of which is an apartment in London in Baker Street 221 B. page 3

Museum literary hero There is Sherlock Holmes Museum in London. It was reconstituted as described in the books. page 4 Baker - Street 221 b

In Russia the film about Sherlock Holmes is very popular. page 5 The best acting duo – Vasily Livanov (Holmes) and Vitaly Solomin (Watson)

The statue of Sherlock Holmes in Edinburgh is opposite the birthplace of Doyle which was demolished. page 6

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1912 : Publication of "The Lost World". page 2

1913 : Publication of "The Poison Belt". page 3

Arthur Conan Doyle wrote more than 200 works. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Complete Works read

Resources https: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Arthur_Conan_Doyle http: //www. sshf. com/encyclopedia/index. php/Sir_Arthur_Conan_Doyle http: //i 049. radikal. ru/1005/f 7/2 fe 0493 b 3 ea 3. jpg http: //litcult. ru/u/dd/news/4131/image. jpg http: //dickens. stanford. edu/sherlockholmes/images/bio_doyle 4_sm. jpg http: //conan-doyle. narod. ru/images/doylegolf. png http: //conan-doyle. narod. ru/images/doyle-davoce. png http: //conan-doyle. narod. ru/images/sacd_3. jpg http: //conan-doyle. narod. ru/images/doyle_m. jpg http: //conan-doyle. narod. ru/images/family. jpg http: //conan-doyle. narod. ru/images/doyles. jpg http: //conan-doyle. narod. ru/images/d_doyle. jpg http: //www. sshf. com/encyclopedia/images/d/dd/Portrait-louise-hawkins 1. jpg http: //autobuy. ru/ot/nn 3/ot 3_050. jpg http: //vannghequandoi. com. vn/upload/802/fck/Văn%20 học%20 nước%20 ngoài/Chân%20 dung/sir-arthur-conandoyle-jean-leckie-wedding. jpg http: //img. dailymail. co. uk/i/pix/2007/11_01/leckie. DM 0711_468 x 720. jpg http: //upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/0/0 f/Conandoylestatue. jpg http: //www. babelio. com/users/AVT_Arthur-Conan-Doyle_2451. jpeg http: //www. paranormal-news. ru/_nw/84/34743429. jpg http: //www. stampland. net/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/conan. jpg https: //img-fotki. yandex. ru/get/16107/76888910. 2/0_120072_a 967 c 137_S http: //www. sshf. com/encyclopedia/skins/sshf/banner-encyclopedia-1. png http: //www. sshf. com/encyclopedia/skins/sshf/banner-encyclopedia-3. png http: //www. sshf. com/encyclopedia/skins/sshf/banner-encyclopedia-2. png

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