Congress Powers of Congress Terms and Sessions Legislative

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Congress Powers of Congress Terms and Sessions Legislative branch Misc. 5 pt 5 pt

Congress Powers of Congress Terms and Sessions Legislative branch Misc. 5 pt 5 pt 10 pt 10 pt 15 pt 15 pt 20 pt 20 pt 25 pt 25 1 pt

What does it mean that Congress is bicameral? 2

What does it mean that Congress is bicameral? 2

Divided into two houses, Senate and the House of Representatives 3

Divided into two houses, Senate and the House of Representatives 3

Why is congress bicameral? 4

Why is congress bicameral? 4

Congress is bicameral to make it fair for big states and small states. So

Congress is bicameral to make it fair for big states and small states. So both are represented fairly. 5

What are three types of congressional committees? 6

What are three types of congressional committees? 6

Standing Committee, Select Committee, Joint Committee 7

Standing Committee, Select Committee, Joint Committee 7

Why do we have congressional committees? 8

Why do we have congressional committees? 8

We have congressional committees because of the large amount of bills, to split up

We have congressional committees because of the large amount of bills, to split up the work and make sure that each bill is looked at. 9

What are the types of Congressional power? 10

What are the types of Congressional power? 10

Expressed Power and Implied Power 11

Expressed Power and Implied Power 11

What type of power is Congress using when they coin money? 12

What type of power is Congress using when they coin money? 12

Expressed Power 13

Expressed Power 13

Distinguish the difference between an expressed power and an implied power. 14

Distinguish the difference between an expressed power and an implied power. 14

Expressed powers are clearly written in the constitution, implied powers are not written in

Expressed powers are clearly written in the constitution, implied powers are not written in the constitution but are necessary powers. 15

What type of power is Congress using if they are spending tax money? Why?

What type of power is Congress using if they are spending tax money? Why? 16

Implied powers, because congress has the expressed power to collect taxes but has the

Implied powers, because congress has the expressed power to collect taxes but has the implied power to spend it. 17

What are three types of lawmaking? 18

What are three types of lawmaking? 18

Money, commerce, Military/foreign policy 19

Money, commerce, Military/foreign policy 19

If congress created a law that regulated money and the economy, what type of

If congress created a law that regulated money and the economy, what type of lawmaking power is congress using? 20

Money 21

Money 21

What is the term length of the House of Representatives? 22

What is the term length of the House of Representatives? 22

2 years 23

2 years 23

What is the term length of the Senate? 24

What is the term length of the Senate? 24

6 years 25

6 years 25

How does congress adjust the number of seats in the H. O. R. ,

How does congress adjust the number of seats in the H. O. R. , that each state has? 26

Congress adjusts the number of seats based on population. They use the census every

Congress adjusts the number of seats based on population. They use the census every 10 years. 27

How many total members are in Congress? How many are in each house? 28

How many total members are in Congress? How many are in each house? 28

535, there are 100 in the Senate and 435 in the H. O. R

535, there are 100 in the Senate and 435 in the H. O. R 29

Why are senators’ terms staggered? 30

Why are senators’ terms staggered? 30

To shield the Senate from shifts in public opinion. 31

To shield the Senate from shifts in public opinion. 31

Which article of the constitution created the legislative branch? 32

Which article of the constitution created the legislative branch? 32

Article I 33

Article I 33

Who has the power to impeach government officials? 34

Who has the power to impeach government officials? 34

The House of Reps. has the power to impeach government officials. 35

The House of Reps. has the power to impeach government officials. 35

How is the number of members in the H. O. R. determined? 36

How is the number of members in the H. O. R. determined? 36

It’s based on population 37

It’s based on population 37

List the steps of how a bill becomes a law 38

List the steps of how a bill becomes a law 38

. A citizen contacts their congressmen with an idea or a 1 problem. 2.

. A citizen contacts their congressmen with an idea or a 1 problem. 2. Congress Drafts a bill 3. Committee members research & discuss the bill 4. The H. O. R. or the Senate votes on the bill, if it is approved it goes to the other house. 5. The H. O. R. agrees, the bill goes to the president. 6. The president can sign the bill, veto it or pocket veto. 39

What is a filibuster? How can you end a filibuster? 40

What is a filibuster? How can you end a filibuster? 40

A filibuster is where a senator trys to talk the bill to death, you

A filibuster is where a senator trys to talk the bill to death, you can end a filibuster with a cloture. 41