Complex Sentences Complex Sentence A complex sentence has

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Complex Sentences

Complex Sentence A complex sentence has one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses

Remember… An independent clause is a clause that can stand alone. It is a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought.

Dependent Clause A dependent clause is a group of words with a subject and verb that cannot stand alone. Examples: The players went out for pizza after they practiced. After the players practiced, they went out for pizza.

Formulas D, I Dependent Clause First – comma needed When I get to Phoenix, you will be sleeping. Until the storm is over, we will not know about the damage.

Combining Independent and Dependent Clauses ID Independent Clause First – no comma needed You will be sleeping when I get to Phoenix. We will not know about the damage until the storm is over.

Complex Sentence Formulas I = Independent Clause D = Dependent Clause D, I ID

Subordinating Conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions are words that show the relationship of the dependent clause to the independent clause. Some words that can be used as subordinating conjunctions are: after although as as if as long as as soon as as though because before even if even though if in order that just as like once provided rather than since so that than though unless until whenever while

Test Review A simple sentence has _____ independent clause(s). A compound sentence has ____ independent clause(s). Complex sentences have: _____ independent clause(s) and _____ or more dependent clause(s). Even a dependent clause has a ________ and a __________.

Test Review _________ clauses can stand alone. _________ clauses cannot stand alone. The first group of words in the following sentence is not a dependent clause because it does not have a _______________ While waiting for the bus, Susie finished her homework.

Test Review A subordinating conjunction shows the relationship between the ____________ clause and the ___________ clause.

Test Review The subordinating conjunction shows the _____________ between the dependent clause and the independent clause.

Many sentences have clauses that cannot stand alone. What clause cannot stand alone in the following sentences: Joe skipped practice because he had a broken leg. If his leg is better, Joe will go to practice on Friday. Joe will stay at practice until his mom picks him up at four o’clock. Identify the subjects and verbs of the dependent clauses.

Which of the following sentences need a comma? 1. I will be happy if I get a new bike this summer. , 2. Since John is a good singer he will probably join the choir this year. 3. I never would have believed it if I hadn’t heard him sing. 4. When you have heard him please let me know what you think. , 5. After you finish singing in the choir you can go out to eat with your friends. ,
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