Compare and Contrast Compare means to Contrast means

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Compare and Contrast

Compare means to_______. Contrast means to________. In my past, teachers have taught compare and contrast by______________.

What does it mean to compare?

Compare n What two or more things have in common- the similarities

What does it mean to contrast?

Contrast n What two or more things don’t have in common- the differences

A flashback- the Venn Diagram How does this work? In the middle of the Venn Diagram I would put______________. In the outer part of the circle I would put________________.

How does this Venn Diagram work?

Why should you care about this skill? n n It helps you to better comprehend what you read It exercises your higher level thinking skills It is a skill used in all content areas- science, social studies, unified arts Making judgments about the similarities and differences between items/people

Also, we use compare and contrast all the time to help us make up our mind about something. n Real life example. Which video game console to buy, hmmm…. . ?

How are the consoles the same? How are the consoles different? Knowing this, which one is the best for me?

How are Playstation 3 and the Wii the same? How are they different? Play Station 3 and Wii Similarity They are both expensive Similarity Fun games • Good graphics • Variety of games for all interests Difference Passive vs. active Difference One plays movies

New Graphic Organizer. Out with the Venn and welcome the new Compare and contrast graphic organizer Similarity or Difference? Similarity Difference Category Story/Text One- Story/Text Two-

Playstation 3 vs. Wii Similarity or Difference? Category Play Station 3 Wii Similarity Entertaining Games Motor Storm Tennis Similarity Expensive $400 $250 Difference What it can do Plays movies besides games Plays only games Difference Level of Participation Active: become part of the game Inactive: hold controller

The Future. What are the expectations now for compare and contrast? • One difference, one similarity • Two differences, two similarities with two different texts • Compare and contrast character feelings • A quote and then support with something from another text • Use of harder text

George vs. George The American Revolution as seen from Both Sides by Rosalyn Schanzer

What are two ways George Washington’s life is similar to King George’s life? What are two ways their lives are different? Use evidence from both text to support your answer. Similarity or Difference? Similarity Difference Category Story One- Story Two- King George Washington

What are two ways George Washington’s life is similar to King George’s life? What are two ways their lives are different? Use evidence from both text to support your answer. Similarity or Difference? Similarity Difference Category Story One- Story Two- King George Washington Both are A German married with a Princess and family 15 children A wealthy widow with 2 stepchildren

Similarity or Difference? Category Story One. King George Story Two. Washington Similarity Both are married with a family A German Princess A wealthy widow and 15 children with 2 children Similarity Both lived with poor/ disadvantaged people London had beggars and pickpockets Difference Mt. Vernon had laborers, indentured servants and black slaves

Similarity or Difference? Category Story One. King George Story Two. Washington Similarity Both are married with a family A German Princess A wealthy widow and 15 children with 2 children Similarity Both lived with poor people London had beggars and pickpockets Mt. Vernon had laborers, indentured servants and black slaves Difference Lived in different types of places London, England in the city Mt. Vernon in the countryside Difference

Similarity or Difference? Category Story One. King George Story Two. Washington Similarity Both are married with a family A German Princess A wealthy widow and 15 children with 2 children Similarity Both lived with poor people London had beggars and pickpockets Mt. Vernon had laborers, indentured servants and black slaves Difference Lived in different types of homes London, England in the city Mt. Vernon in the countryside Difference They spent their time differently Cultural: balls, theatre, gambling and coffeehouses Rural: hunting and fishing

From Graphic to Sentences Similarity Category King George Washington Similarity Both are married with a family A German Princess and 15 children A wealthy widow with 2 children Similarity Both lived with poor people London had beggars and pickpockets Mt. Vernon had laborers, indentured servants and black slaves King George and George Washington have a few commonalities. They both married well to do women: the King married a German Princess and George married a wealthy widow. Moreover, they both had children. King George had an amazing 15 children and George Washington had a mere two stepchildren! In their lives they also dealt with poor people. In London, the King faced beggars and pickpockets, and George had indentured servants and black slaves. So, as unlikely as it may seem, these two gentlemen did have a few things in common.

From Graphic to Sentences Difference Category King George Washington Difference Lived in different types of homes London, England in the city Mt. Vernon in the countryside Difference They spent their time differently Cultural: balls, theatre, gambling and coffeehouses Rural: hunting and fishing As one could imagine, King George and George Washington had several differences in their lives. Although they both had beautiful homes, the locations were very different. King George lived in the bustling city of London, while George lived in the country at Mt. Vernon. In addition to this difference, they spent their time in very different ways. In the city the King was busy enjoying a cultural life of balls, theatre and gambling. In the country, George was occupied with fishing and hunting. It seems only natural that the difference in their locations would effect the activities they pursued. It is quite clear the men were very different.

Turning the graphic organizer into a paragraph King George and George Washington have a few commonalities. They both married well to do women: the King married a German Princess and George married a wealthy widow. Moreover, they both had children. King George had an amazing 15 children and George Washington had a mere two stepchildren! In their lives they also dealt with poor people. In London, the King faced beggars and pickpockets, and George had indentured servants and black slaves. So, as unlikely as it may seem, these two gentlemen did have a few things in common.

Turning the graphic organizer into a paragraph As one could imagine, King George and George Washington had several differences in their lives. Although they both had beautiful homes, the locations were very different. King George lived in the bustling city of London, while George lived in the country at Mt. Vernon. In addition to this difference, they spent their time in very different ways. In the city the King was busy enjoying a cultural life of balls, theatre and gambling. In the country, George was occupied with fishing and hunting. It seems only natural that the difference in their locations would effect the activities they pursued. It is quite clear the men were very different.

From Graphic to Sentences Difference Category Playstation 3 Wii Similarity Entertaining Games Motor Storm Tennis Similarity Expensive $400 $250 As one would probably guess, the Wii and Playstation 3 have many things in common. First of all, they are both known for their entertaining games. For example, Playstation 3 has a game with great graphics called Motor Storm while the Wii has a game titled Tennis that allows the person playing to feel like they are truly playing a real game of tennis. Another similarity between the two consoles is they are both quite expensive. The Wii costs around $250 while Playstation 3 can cost up to a whopping $400! While the Wii and Playstation 3 seem very different they actually have a few things in common.

From Graphic to Sentences Difference Category Playstation 3 Wii Difference What it can do besides games Plays movies Plays only games Difference Level of Participation Inactive: hold controller Active: become part of the game It is clear that the Wii and Playstation 3 are very different gaming consoles. They especially differ in what they can offer the gaming enthusiast. Playstation 3 has the capability to play movies, but the Wii does not have offer this same feature. In addition to this difference, the level in participation of the two consoles varies. The Wii allows the participant to be active and become a part of the game. In the contrary, Playstation 3 doesn’t allow for much movement and when playing a game the participant is inactive only using a controller to make moves. It is quite obvious that the Wii and Playstation 3 are very different gaming systems.

What are two ways the British Forces and the Rebel Forces are similar? What are two ways the British Forces and the Rebel Forces are different? Use evidence from both text to support your answer. Similarity or Difference? Category Story One- Story Two- British Forces Rebel Forces (Colonists)

Similarity or Difference? Similarity Difference Category Both had other groups aid them in war Story One- Story Two- British Forces Rebel Forces British Regulars Hessians Loyalists Indians British Navy Foreign volunteers • France • Germany • Poland • Privately owned and armed vessels Militias

Similarity or Difference? Category Story One- Story Two- British Forces Rebel Forces Similarity Varying groups aided their sides British Regulars Hessians Loyalists Indians British Navy Foreign volunteers • France • Germany • Poland • Privately owned and armed vessels Militias Similarity Pay was extremely low even though they wore elegant uniforms Rarely paid on time, if at all Difference

Similarity or Difference? Category Story One- Story Two- British Forces Rebel Forces Similarity Varying groups aided their sides British Regulars Hessians Loyalists Indians British Navy Foreign volunteers • France • Germany • Poland • Privately owned and armed vessels Militias Similarity Pay was extremely low even though they wore elegant uniforms Rarely paid on time, if at all Difference Troops had varied experience/ discipline War hardened Brutally disciplined Well-trained Inexperienced volunteers Difference Constant desertions

Similarity / Difference Category Story One. British Forces Story Two. Rebel Forces Similarity Varying groups aided their sides British Regulars Hessians Loyalists Indians British Navy Foreign volunteers • France • Germany • Poland • Privately owned and armed vessels Militias Similarity Pay was extremely low even though they wore elegant uniforms Rarely paid on time, if at all Difference Troops had varied experience/discipline War hardened Brutally disciplined Well-trained Inexperienced volunteers Constant desertions Difference Their Navy Components Considered world’s finest naval force 468 warships Unopposed travels Infants 57 ships Help from 1, 697 privateers

Stop!! • • • Introduce score sheet ½ similarities ½ differences Read in groups Pick best, share with class

Turning the graphic organizer into a paragraph Believe it or not, British and Rebel Forces had some elements in common. They both had groups of people aid their side of the fight. The British were helped by five different groups: British Regulars, Hessians, Loyalists, Indians, and the British Navy. The Rebel side consisted of many volunteers from France, Germany, and Poland. They also had help from privately owned vessels and militia groups. In addition, both forces were poorly paid. The British, even though they wore elegant uniforms, received very low wages. The Rebel forces were promised pay, but rarely, if ever, received their wages. Amazingly enough, these two worthy opponents did indeed have some commonalities.

Turning the graphic organizer into a paragraph Not only did the two fighting groups have similarities, they also had some major differences. Their troops had very different combat experiences and discipline. The British troops were war hardened, brutally disciplined, and very well trained. On the other hand, the Rebel Forces were inexperienced volunteers who were constantly deserting. Moreover, the British and the Rebels Navy components varied greatly. The Brits were considered the world’s finest naval force, consisting of 468 warships who traveled unopposed throughout the Atlantic Ocean. On the opposite end of this scale, the Rebels Navy was in its infancy with a mere 57 ships. However, it did accept the help from 1, 697 privateers. It seems unbelievable that the Rebels were able to stand up against such a vital force. It is clear the two forces did have many differences.

What are two differences and two similarities between George Washington and King George after the Revolutionary War? Use evidence from both text to support your answer.

What are two differences and two similarities between George Washington and King George after the Revolutionary War? Use evidence from both text to support your answer. Similarity or Difference? Category Story One- Story Two- King George Washington

What are two differences and two similarities between George Washington and King George after the Revolutionary War? Use evidence from both text to support your answer. Similarity or Difference? Similarity Difference Category Followers viewed them positively Story One- Story Two- King George Washington Seen as the most cultured monarch filled with good intentions Viewed as a war hero and the most beloved and admired person in America

Similarity or Difference? Category Story One- Story Two- King George Washington Similarity Positive View of their followers Seen as the most cultured monarch filled with good intentions Viewed as a war hero and the most beloved and admired person in America Similarity Successful Britain made more $ trading with America as an independent nation than before • Became role model for future presidents • 5 new states joined the Union • Constitution Amends. and Bill of Rights Difference

Similarity or Difference? Category Story One. King George Story Two. George Washington Similarity Positive View of their Seen as the most followers cultured monarch filled with good intentions Viewed as a war hero and the most beloved and admired person in America Similarity Successful Britain made more $ by trading with America than before • Became role model for future presidents • 5 new states joined the Union • Constitution Amends. and Bill of Rights Difference How they viewed their power Believes God Was elected by the grants Kings people and was a divine right to rule fair, quiet president Difference

Similarity or Difference? Category Story One. King George Story Two. George Washington Similarity Positive View of their followers Seen as the most cultured monarch filled with good intentions Viewed as a war hero and the most beloved and admired person in America Similarity Successful Britain made more $ by trading with America than before • Became role model for future presidents • 5 new states joined the Union • Constitution Amends. and Bill of Rights Difference Their role in Power Believes God Was elected by the grants Kings divine people and was a right to rule fair, quiet president Difference Their deaths Bouts of madness caused by heredity - Died 1820; age: 82 Caught cold and dies in 3 days. Dies in 1799; age 67

Turning the graphic organizer into a paragraph As strange as it may seem, King George and George Washington had a few commonalities in the post-war years. They were both viewed in positive ways by their people. King George was considered the most cultured monarch who was filled with good intentions. George was viewed as a war hero and was the most admired person in America. Another way they were similar was that they both were successful in helping their countries grow financially and economically. For instance, Great Britain made more money trading with an independent America than it did when they were simply colonies. George Washington increased the size of the United States by adding five new states and had Constitutional Amendments and the Bill of Rights approved. Therefore, they both had in common that they were viewed in a positive light by their people and considered successful leaders.

Turning the graphic organizer into a paragraph As well as sharing post-war similarities, King George and George Washington also exhibited differences. They viewed their roles of power in dissimilar ways. King George believed that God granted Kings the divine right to rule, whereas George Washington believed presidents should be elected by the people. He also was considered to be a fair and quiet president. Their deaths also varied. King George went insane and died at the age of 82 in the year 1820. George died suddenly after catching a cold. He died in 1799 at the age of 67. It is rather obvious that two people with such opposing view points about the Revolutionary War would have different ways of viewing their power roles and that their demises would vary as well.

What are two similarities and two differences between men and women’s clothing during colonial times? Use evidence from both text to support your answer.
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