Communication skills in health and social care 2

- Slides: 13

Communication skills in health and social care 2 C. P 5 / 2 C. M 3

Look at the photo of a group of childminders with the children they are paid to look after. What sort of (a) language (b) tone of voice (c) pace of speaking do you think each of the adults Describe what you think each person is feeling and explain how you can tell. Think about their use to (a) the children (b) each other in this situation? proximity to each other, as well as their facial expressions and body postures.

Learning Objectives • To demonstrate communication skills through interactions in health and social care, describing their effects. Success Criteria 1. Analyse a short one-to-one and group interaction and discuss the skills used. 2. Write a script for a one-to-one and group interaction. 3. Write a report to your manager describes the effects of the interaction. � Challenge Criteria�Explain the effects of the interaction to your manager.

Starter • https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=FLKLk 6 L G 0 sw • Start at 5 minutes (for 1 minute) and analyse the one to one and group interactions taking place.

Billy • Billy is 3 and has been a service user in your nursery for 2 ½ years. He is a wonderful little boy, always well behaved, polite and eager to learn. Billy is about to go on holiday to Mexico and his mummy has told him he will need to have some injections before he goes. Billy is not happy about this, he hates injections, and has spent all morning crying in the corner of the room. • You will need to : – Select and demonstrate communication skills with Billy in the nursery, and then with Billy and his mummy at the end of the day. You should try to convince Billy that everything will be ok, and later inform Billy’s mummy of what has happened and why.

Role Play Checklist • Create a checklist in your book of the different communication skills. • When you show your role play to another group they will tick the checklist for you when you show one of the skills. • The results of this will be written into a report to your manager. Communication skill Active listening Body language Facial expression Eye contact Use of appropriate language Tone of voice Pace of speech Proximity Clarifying and repeating One-to-one interaction Group interaction

Describe means to give a clear, straightforward description that includes all the main points (P) After each script. . . Explain means to give logical reasons to support your views (M) • Speak to your manager to let her know the outcomes of the conversation. • Describe the effects of the conversation on all involved, evaluate the effectiveness of your communication skills and make recommendations about how you could have improved the way you interacted with them. • You should specifically talk about the following skills: – – – – – active listening body language facial expression eye contact use of appropriate language tone of voice pace of speech proximity clarifying and repeating


Starter How many of the 25 words about communication can you find?

Learning Objectives • To be able to describe and explain the effects of the communication skills. Success Criteria 1. Complete a word search of key communication words. 2. Write a report to your manager explaining the effects of each interaction. � Challenge Criteria�Analyse three images about communication and discuss how to communicate effectively.

Missing words • • • • Communication Technological Clarification Understanding Body language Paraphrasing Preferences Interpreter Hearing aid Aggression Electronic Lip reading Translator • • • Non-verbal Listening Assertion Questions Makaton Message Verbal cycle Group Open Tone Pace BSL

Describe means to give a clear, straightforward description that includes all the main points (P) After each script. . . Explain means to give logical reasons to support your views (M) • Speak to your manager to let her know the outcomes of the conversation. • Describe the effects of the conversation on all involved, evaluate the effectiveness of your communication skills and make recommendations about how you could have improved the way you interacted with them. • You should specifically talk about the following skills: – – – – – active listening body language facial expression eye contact use of appropriate language tone of voice pace of speech proximity clarifying and repeating

Final Task Imagine that you are a work experience student in a busy medical centre. Discuss how to communicate best with each of these people. Think about Dos and Don’ts for each individual.
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